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Messages - sockmonkey


Welcome to GPS Files Depot, I have been around here since 2009 but didn't register until a couple of months back.  It's a great source for Garmin maps and gps related subjects.

Your issue sounds similar to a user a few weeks back though they haven't yet responded if they were/were not successful.

A Garmin image file can't really be directly installed in Basecamp it's to put on your gps, but...  JaVaWa Device Manager will allow you to view a garmin .img on a usb or virtual disk so follow those instructions or my recommended method is listed on the linked post.  Simply download the MX-MexicoTopo  the "Mac" version extract per the instructions and copy to your C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps folder to then be available to Basecamp.

Boyd, a long time poster here has brought up on other threads that some older Basecamp versions will not display custom maps (like mine) I am using 4.7.1 and it works, so make sure your Basecamp is up to date!

Of the maps available on GPS Files Depot there is not a universal way to get the maps to Basecamp.  The hosts of this site do offer installers to map contributors here but not all have them (like mine), some maps which are displayed here but downloaded at another site may have there own installers and methods to get maps to Basecamp and/or GPS.

As to my contributions to mapping I'm one of many and for now Garmin compatible GPS maps. I've enjoyed making them and I'm I'm glad we have this site to offer them.  It happened over months and years which finally took me down this rabbit hole...

Post back if you get things working or have further problems and best of luck on your own Mapping journey.

You shouldn't have to "install" in the normal way and I developed these maps to not have to install.

I'm not sure which version you downloaded, but the "Windows" version is an ".img" and is intended to be directly install to the gps device.  Using gmap tool, it can be unpacked or "split".  In that folder along with the map/image files there is and "install.bat" this may work or it might not.  In my testing about half the time the tool threw errors, and for those unfamiliar with gmaptool and maps kludging through the options and settings was not a good recommended way for and easy install of my maps.  This is a great tool but it is part of a mappers toolkit.

With Windows 10 you should have downloaded the "Mac" version, I had a quick blurb in the map descriptions but can list and eleaborate it here as well

1)  Download Mac version of US-WestTopo to location of your choice.

2)  Unpack .zip file (I use 7zip) others will work as well.

3)  You should now have a folder that is mapname.gmapi, you are not done yet..

4)  You need to open that folder and should now have a folder that is that is mapname.gmap  if it still ends end gmapi open one more time, it must end in gmap, no little i!

5)  Open windows explorer, open local drive usually C, you should see a folder that is named Program Data if not you need to go to folder options and enable show hidden folders.

6)Now that Program Data is visible open it, during install of Basecamp it creates a folder called Garmin and within is a folder called Maps

7) That map you unzipped and opened until (but no further) it ends in .gmap copy that folder to the C:/ProgramData/Garmin/Maps folder.  Open Basecamp and map should be available now to view

So, Dmitry, start over and follow these instructions.  With a little practice the whole process takes a few minutes after downloading to be viewing the map   This works 100% of the time and this is how I load my maps on my non map making windows computers.    There is some other info on GPSFilesDepot about gmapi format but try this first and post again if it doesn't work and I and/or others will try to help...or post if successful.

After my last update I wondered why most if not all of the maps had grown so much, up to 40% larger!  It looks like the DEM (3d/shading) values were the cause.  Now just using basic values and it doesn't appear to affect the visuals that I can tell.  The next round of updates will be smaller download and map size;  I've also added in where state/province will display big and boldly in base camp and gps, but only normal size in orux maps

I use the default typ and style, earlier various known wilderness/protected areas, on land, did not render at all.  After trial and error, a lot, using different typ and style I found the problem.  One of the results was the marine areas such as you pointed out were "nature reserve" color.  I did play around with draw order and resolution but found, for now, the least worst solution is to keep, as is.  I found that almost all those marine areas, on any of my maps are just sea/ocean.  In the case of those island areas near Los Angeles there may be some oil platforms, but I have # all of those sorts of point, lines and poly's in the style sheets, so they won't show up anyway.  As I pointed out in my first post, OSM is Euro centered so I've adapted the best I can for US and North America in general given I'm still learning the fine art of osm/mkgmap mapmaking.

The Mt Adams area is both forest and a protected area.  It is managed by the US Forest Service.  The mountain is classified as a wilderness area while the rest of the Gifford Pinchot Nat Forest is all the way from "primitive" to logging.  It's little sister, 40 miles to the west is Mt St Helens, to the east is the Yakima Indian Reservation.

Early on I adopted the green color in my typ, it is/was the color used on many cgpsmapper maps here and my old Garmin 24k maps.  Of course the end user can change (with editor) what colors, etc suit them.

Now for me to bow to you.  Your maps were the biggest inspiration taking me down the osm/mkgmap  rabbit hole.   A year or two ago your maps replaced the open andro maps I had on Orux and my gps's and then I moved on from there...I'm kinda biased to another map at the moment though...

Given that there seems to be a just handful of mkgmap mapping mavens I've had to scour the web for answers (as you know there is no one stop shop) and over the past decade you have posted and contributed all over the place, which is what it takes to fill in the blanks about map making.  Gmaptool comes in handy too.  Thank You sir!

These are examples of my maps I attached in a previous post, but it appears you need to be registered to view attachments in the forums and for those who choose to not register I finally figured out how to post screenshots for all viewers.

The top image is of part of the Eagle Cap Wilderness and Wallowa Lake in Oregon as viewed in Orux Maps on Android (it isn't blurry in actual viewing)

The bottom image is of Mount Adams in Washington and the surrounded area as viewed in Garmin Basecamp

First off I'd like to thank those who have download the maps I've created to at least give them a try as part of their digital map quiver.

Last weekend I uploaded mapname.img for all the maps to be sent directly to a device and this is under "Windows",  for mapname.gmap which can be used in Basecamp for Windows or Mac those are under "Mac" downloads.

I'm still working on US SouthCentral, SouthEast, the Caribbean and Central America to complete all of North America and hope to have those up soon. 

While I'm pleased with the way the maps turned out I feel they could use some "polishing".  I'm starting testing on a version 2 which will include road shields (all circles, as the OSM symbols don't always match the actual road, though name is correct), some different road colors, attempt a trimming excess contour lines at borders and some other minor details.

Great Lakes Topo should be working now.  My "intervention" somehow deleted the .tdb file the first time around and it's the proper size.
North Central Topo Map for North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa is up

Great Lakes Topo Map for Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio is up and hopfully working.  I goofed and left the upload page before 100% and re-uploaded.  Please inform on this thread if there is a problem
Topo map for the Canadian Territories of Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut is up.

Topo Map for Mexico is up.
Puerto Rico Topo Map is up
Map of Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec is up
Alaska Topo Map is up!
A few new maps Up

Northeast US including:  Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware

Canada East including:  Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador

Finally, Greenland Topo
First of the Canadian Topo maps is up.  This one includes the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan.