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Reinstalling Mapsource on a new computer

Started by el69564, July 29, 2013, 12:53:04 PM

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I reinstalled Mapsource on a new computer. Also migrated all tracks, waypoints, etc. which I can pull into Mapsource. I also copied over all map data that was on my old computer. However, I am not able to see any of the topo maps that I copied over and that was on the old Mapsource. Can anyone explain what I have to do to make the maps appear in the new Mapsource.  Thanks!!


Not that easy I'm afraid. Mapsource uses the Windows Registry to locate the maps and simply copying the files won't create the needed registry keys.

It would be best to un-install mapsource on the new machine and start over.  Do a backup of your maps on the old machine to a USB flash disk using GMTK. Then use GMTK on the new computer to restore the backup. Finally, re-install mapsource on the new machine:

QuoteNew PC? Use JaVaWa GMTK first, then install MapSource

When you use JaVaWa GMTK to transfer maps to a new PC it is higly recommended to do this before installing MapSource. The downloadable version of MapSource is an update version, that refuses to install when no older version exists. JaVaWa GMTK prepares, when necessary, automatically your PC so that MapSource will install properly.

With this option you can backup your maps (including unlock codes).

First select the maps you want to back up. After clicking the "Backup" button a dialog will display where you can select a disk (preferably a removable medium like a USB disk or USB stick, or a network drive), or a specific folder as the destination.
JaVaWa GMTK checks whether disk space on the chosen destination is sufficient, and if you have writing permissions. If everything is all right the backup process will start. A dialog will show the progress of the individual maps and the progress of the entire selection.


This option restores previously backed-up maps on your (new) computer.

After selecting the disk or folder where you put the maps with the option "Backup", a dialog will display where you can select which maps you want to restore, and optionally select a different location than the default one. The bottom part of the dialog shows the needed and available space per drive.

Make your choices and then click on "Start restore". The maps (including unlock codes) will be installed on your computer.


Thank you very much Boyd. Sounds like a plan, albeit a little involved for me, but
I will give it a try. Just one question - the reinstall of Mapsource - any special install, or
just a straight install from the CD-ROM.  Thanks again!


Forget the CDROM. After moving the maps with GMTK, download Mapsource here. It was discontinued a few years ago, and this is the final version. But if you have a copy on "CD", then that is going to be very old and will probably have issues on your new computer.


Boyd - Slick! Everything worked as advertised. Most maps are now on the new computer. A couple had problems that I wasn't aware of, which was probably the reason I was having problems with the device. Again, thank you soo much for your assistance!!!
