Issue with maps loaded to Oregon from Basecamp

Started by ncpaddler, July 23, 2013, 04:44:36 AM

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I've successfully installed the SE United States Maps on my PC.  I have successfully loaded maps to my MicroSD card to use with my Oregon.  The maps are displayed on my Oregon but what I see in Basecamp is not correct on the Oregon.  Specifically I'm seeing the correct route a road takes in Basecamp but on the Oregon the same road is shifted on the map and not correct.  Any help much appreciated.  I've searched the forums but didn't see a similar issue.


Sounds like you are seeing the basemap on the OR.  See if the map you loaded is listed as enabled.

Check this if you haven't already.


It is enabled.  It's the only one I have enabled.


Then the only thing I can think of is to increase your detail level setting. Setup>Map>Advanced Settings.  My OR300 shows the contours on my map at Normal detail level.

You may also try changing your profile to something other than Recreational and then back to Recreational.


Changing profiles didn't change anything.

The road is where it should be in Less and Least detail but Normal and above the road is shifted on the Oregon.  Using this map at the less/least detail is not going to suffice.

Is there another map available of the southeast US?


If the road is shifting to the wrong location at higher detail level, it may mean the map is based on bad data.   How far off is it?  Some Census Bureau Tiger Line Files could be 150 to 200 feet off.  Lots of folks used those files years ago, but they've been upgraded now.


The road is off by at least 1.5 miles.

Are there other SE US maps?


Try downloading the state map for that area and see if the error is as bad.


Thanks, will try another map download later.

It still seems very strange that the map displays correctly in Basecamp even at the highest setting but not on the Oregon. 


'Specifically I'm seeing the correct route a road takes in Basecamp but on the Oregon the same road is shifted on the map and not correct.'  --- I do not see how this is possible as BaseCamp is displaying on the computer screen the info from the .img files which can be sent to and displayed on the GPSr. 

'The road is off by at least 1.5 miles.'  --- How are you determining this?  Are all the other features where the should be?

'The road is where it should be in Less and Least detail but Normal and above the road is shifted on the Oregon.'   ---  Is the same mapset being displayed in the less/least versus the normal/more detailed views?  The road's position at l/l could be from the built-in basemap and at n/m from the SE topo?


Specifically I'm seeing the correct route a road takes in Basecamp but on the Oregon the same road is shifted on the map and not correct.'  --- I do not see how this is possible as BaseCamp is displaying on the computer screen the info from the .img files which can be sent to and displayed on the GPSr.  Sorry maps4gps but this is what I am experiencing.  It does seem unlikely but it's happening.

'The road is off by at least 1.5 miles.'  --- How are you determining this?  I'm using the measurement tool in Basecamp.  Are all the other features where the should be?  I've not looked for other features out of place.

'The road is where it should be in Less and Least detail but Normal and above the road is shifted on the Oregon.'   ---  Is the same mapset being displayed in the less/least versus the normal/more detailed views? Yes.  The road's position at l/l could be from the built-in basemap and at n/m from the SE topo?  When I determined the road to be in place at least/less and not at normal and above I only had the SE topo enabled.

At this point  I'm more interested in looking in to another map for the SE.  The one with the issue also is missing a road.  So along with the issue of the road being shifted I don't trust the rest of the map.


I don't understand how this is possible either, but I'll just take your word for what you see. As far as other maps, it's pretty easy to bring up a list of available maps for your area and download anything of interest. They're free, so you don't stand much to lose.

Of course if you purchase a Garmin product, they will provide tech support and try to address any problems that you're having.