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GPSmap 62s - Trouble Finding Satelite

Started by jasonrichards, October 19, 2012, 10:55:40 AM

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Dear all, first thanks for reading my post;

My uncle gave me some electronic stuff, with some discs to have, one of them was this GPSmap 62s device, I read about different beginner posts. But so far I am having no luck with it:

- I am not getting any GPS signals whatsoever, I live in an apartment, of course I went outside walked around few times for an hour so, in different parts of the city, including some open streets to see if there is any progress. It only gets One Gps Bar but not able to see me on the map.

I took some photos outdoors to show you how it looks like,
what is the problem with it do you reckon?

He also left a cd behind, which seems to have some img files under this folder;
Garmin_CityNavigator_North_America_NT_2011.20 / IMG_USA-CANADA-MEXICO
(Please see attached print screen for this one)

I know this device has 4gb extra memory, as I can see when I plug into to my PC computer, and that is formatted correctly with FAT32, and that memory stick has a 'garmin' folder which is empty, I am guessing the maps should be placed here

waiting for your suggestions about how to make this device function again for me.
Thank you in advance


Get out into an open area - park, parking lot, etc - put the GPS on a picnic table, car dashboard or other stationary object. Then just wait, typically about 20 minutes is enough for the device to determine its location and download data about where the satellites will be in the future. It could take up to 40 minutes perhaps.

It looks like your uncle may have given you a DVD with a copy of City Navigator that was installed on a Nuvi type device, otherwise there would not be a junction view (.jcv) or 3d building (gmap3d) file. Such a map would only work on the device it was originally installed on. If, for some reason, it did work on your GPS then it would have to be an illegal copy and we can't discuss that here.

BTW, it helps if you resize any photos to around 500 to 600 pixels wide since the forum software makes it awkward to view large images.


Thank you Boyd
for useful feedback I guess at my first instance I will try to do what you have told me about going to a park if I can and spend some time there for 40 minutes.

My uncle had bunch of stuff. not sure which is which. but if in anycase if I see a file that is .img should I just transfer that manually to the devices memory stick on "garmin" folder?

ps. I will make sure I dont post large jpegs next time


That is difficult to answer without knowing what the files are. .img files are actually "containers" that can have different things inside. Some are only intended for use on your computer as part of maps that are installed in Mapsource or Basecamp. Others contain many individual tiles that have been formatted for use on the gps itself. Often these files are named gmapsupp.img, however newer devices like yours will attempt to open any file in the Garmin folder with a .img extension.

Garmin's road maps (City Navigator) are copy protected and will only work on the GPS for which they were purchased. Most of the maps on this site are free and can be installed on any GPS.

It might not take 40 minutes, it might only take 5 or 10 minutes for your device to get a fix. The important thing is that you need a good, open view of the sky and the GPS needs to be stationary.

After getting the initial fix, the unit will download data from the satellites that predicts where they will be in the future. This can take 15 or 20 minutes IIRC. If possible, allow enough time for this because it will help the unit to start up quickly the next time you use it. If you use the unit regularly, you won't need to do this again.


Boyd thank you again, Here is an UPDATE
I learnt how to use BaseCamp Software and I think this map was unlocked already for this device, because it saw the maps fine and now transferring to the device itself, it is connected via USB and is taking some time but it is saying "Completing the installation of maps to your GPS"

so I am hopeful!

second thing is I have to try the open field, when you mentioned " the unit will download data from the satellites that predicts where they will be in the future. This can take 15 or 20 minutes IIRC." is this something it will do automatically when the unit finds that GPS satelite signal once I am in the open field? or do I have to punch in any menu settings for this download?

Thanks again


The copy protection on Garmin maps only applies on the GPS itself. You can use the maps on multiple computers, but only one GPS. Based on the names of those files, it makes no sense that you would have gmap3d or JCV files. Your GPS will ignore those, and the only way somebody could even get those files would be copying them from a Garmin Nuvi.  But the only way to really know what it is would be to ask your uncle.

Just let the device sit still for 20 minutes in the open if you can. That's all you need to do, the unit takes care of all the details without any help from you.


Sorry Boyd, I think I did some stuff I forgot to explain in my earlier post:

Except that folder I found, I found another folder in the same disc, which had "MapSource" folder, and I installed using the program in there. and that's how I was able to have the maps installed correctly (I believe)

to also test, I did what you mentioned, also downloaded a custom free map from here for PA state, so when I switch on the device, (although no map is shown with a question mark on my location) I go to map options, and on select maps, these are 2 maps that comes 'enabled' -- Please see the attached screenshot

So I believe they are transferred correctly, the free map from here as well as the other North America City Navigate map.

however again I am assuming once I go outside, open field and get synch with a satellite it will show the maps since they are enabled?

ps. my uncle is not around anymore unfortunately so I can't ask him.


Just to reiterate what Boyd said.  I buy new and used Garmins for use out here in Asia. The last time they were used was in the Continental US, so when it rebuilds it's satellite 'dictionary', it has to reinventory all viewable satellites. for here, it takes almost an hour to 'completely' rebuild the dictionary if you do it at one sitting.

Just mentioning.

-- Smug

In a nutshell, I get claustrophobic.


thanks for the feedback

how much open space do i need it?
as long as it is under a clear sky if there were shorter buildings around would it be fine?

--the maps i transferred using basecamp yesterday says they are both 'enabled' on the device map settings (one is state topo map free from here) so when i switch on still without signals on the map my location has a question mark, now when i want to ask is there is blank space no map is that normal because the device didn't have a chance to load satellite info yet ?

i ask that because you probably have good experience buying these mentions


If the basemap is enabled, the device will show you a map of wherever it thinks you are located. So, if it still thinks you're in Los Angeles and you have loaded a topo map for Maine, you won't see it on the screen. But you should be able to zoom way out until you see states or even continents. You could then scroll the map to Maine and zoom in and it would show.

As far as the rest... "it's not rocket science". Get outside to an open place and just do it. If you are in a city, there must be a park somewhere and there must be busses that will take you there. If large buildings are blocking the sky, it may still work but is likely to take even longer.


Quote... as long as it is under a clear sky if there were shorter buildings around would it be fine?

Depends.  For best results, there needs to be a clear path (line-of-sight) between the GPSr and the satellites.  The more satellites (unobstructed sky) the better (faster) the process.

The 62 is a current top of the line Garmin GPSr.  Contact Garmin's tech support.  Perhaps the wire to the internal antenna is broken.


thank you all for all the info,
so my next mission is probably this week going to a park and spending an hour there to see if the device is going to catch any sat signals to see if there is progress.

right now there is no map shown on the screen even if I zoom out and scroll around.

I will let you guys know of the results within this week.


When you go to the map info screen, what maps does it show are enabled? Is there a basemap listed? There should be. I think all the current models have basemap of the whole world, although I believe some older models only have a US basemap.


Hi Boyd,

I took new attached small photos for you;
you can see there is no map at all when I switch the device on, and when I also zoom out and scroll around there is no partial maps. so When I press Menu on the map, and there is select map on the bottom, the screen that comes you can see 2 maps says enabled, the bottom one is patopo map I downloaded from here and transferred using basecamp software.

I don't know if that's what you asked,


Gentlemen: something crazy happened just now when I was typing the last response to Boyd. I looked at the screen again and there was sort of a map and no more question mark beeping, and guess what there is some changes going on with the machine

(without no change in my location) didnt leave my apartment while this has been going on

please see the attached photos,

there is a cross check sign on satellite setup section and also there is a map now, it just doesnt show the correct location. its saying 'simulating GPS' on the satellite screen