Using Garmin Map Converter with a locked map?

Started by SmugWimp, June 20, 2012, 05:28:45 PM

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I use cgpsmapper with locking support. 

If I create an 'unlocked' map, I can convert it to Mac format using Garmin's Mapconverter.

If I create a 'locked' map, I cannot convert it, even if I've generated an unlock code and entered it into MapSource or BaseCamp; I get an error during conversion saying that I need to unlock the map first, even though (as far as I know) I've unlocked it. I can view it, transfer the map to a GPS or SD Card, all the usual 'good indications'. But no conversion.

It does this on both my WindowsXP machine and my Windows7 machine, so I don't think it's an OS issue.  More likely, it's a 'me' issue, but I haven't figured it out yet.

I know not a lot of us use 'this' version of cgpsmapper, but I thought I'd ask for opinions and suggestions, as I've pretty much exhausted my meager brain...


-- Smug

In a nutshell, I get claustrophobic.


Since I don't make locked maps I have no idea if this will work, but take a look at JaVaWa MapConverter. It is an alternative to Garmin MapConverter.


Boyd - it works great, and that site has a bevy of other useful utilities. As always, thanks!! :)

Popej: Can you elaborate a little on Mapsource/Basecamp versioning? They're all the latest version, as well as MapConverter... I just figured I might be missing or forgetting something, but still am not sure what...


-- Smug
In a nutshell, I get claustrophobic.


Versions of Mapsource up to 6.13 stored unlock codes in registry. Current Mapsource and BaseCamp store unlock codes in a text file in some user directory.

Mapinstall doesn't check registry for unlock code, would be a problem if you used old Mapsource for unlocking. But this won't unlock for BaseCamp either, so probably it is not your case.

Since unlocking is done for each user, you should run Mapisntall as the same user as when unlocking.

I can imagine some other reasons for Mapinstall to fail, but this would result in map locked for BaseCamp and Mapsource too. I think you should look for the file with unlock codes, on Windows 7 this is:

Verify that this file contains your code. You can use Process Monitor to check, if Mapinstall reads this file:


One of my machines is a WindowsXP 'session' in a VMWare Fusion (for the mac) environment. It is running Mapsource 6.16.3, and the other machine is a 'real' windows 7 pro (x32) machine, using Basecamp v3.3.3 on it. I'm always the same user (not admin, but a user account I setup for my 'main' login, although I have admin access on all machines if I need it)

I've seen the *.ucx file floating around, and I know it contains the codes, but never thought much about 'location' of the file, since I never really had an issue up to now.

I'll check out the Process Monitor (Russ has such cool utilities! I'm sort of sorry MS bought him out, but I'm glad he got well paid for his years of hard work.) and hope I can find some clue as to what's up.

In the meantime, the utility that Boyd sent me to work great. But I'd like things to work 'as designed' if possible...

Thanks for your feedback; I'll let you know how things transpire.


-- Smug
In a nutshell, I get claustrophobic.