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Converting KAP files to KML

Started by svbravo, April 21, 2017, 08:40:26 PM

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I'm trying to make KML files which I can convert to AT5 files for use in a B&G chartplotter.  Insight Map Creator will make the AT5's from KML's. 

I have found many folks have KAP files they've already made w/ programs like GE2KAP, for use w/ plotting programs like OpenCPN.  I'd like to use these KAP files, but haven't found a conversion program to turn KAP's into KML's (or better yet, directly to AT5 format if that's possible).  I looked at GpsBabel, but didn't find the KAP

Does anyone know of a conversion for the KAP's???  To either KML or AT5.



MAPC2MAPC will convert KAP to a Google Earth Image Overlay (KML/KMZ)


Jolly, this looks like a great possibility.  Will download their demo and give it a test drive.  Many thanks for the lead!!!
