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Messages - jolly47roger

General Discussion / Re: GPSMAP 67 - map install
March 25, 2024, 07:45:36 AM
Have you tried a smaller (<=32GB) card?
GPSr Units / Re: Garmin Overlander - free detailed maps
December 01, 2023, 01:12:04 AM
For iOS there are also OSMAND and Cartograph (which has replaced Vectorial Map). But Locus has a much bigger map library. Locus, Orux and Cartograph all accept vector maps in Mapsforge format which give much more detail for a given file size. OpenAndroMaps is a good source of these vector maps.
If you want to save space on your system disk, it is sufficient to copy a Shortcut to the GMAP folder instead of the folder itself.

Sometimes (for me, at least) Basecamp does not see the map in Program Data but does see it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\BaseCamp\Maps\
General Discussion / Detailed map of France
September 19, 2022, 10:42:37 AM
I have just uploaded a detailed map of France to GPSFileDepot. This is in GMAP format.

It is quite large - 6.5GB unzipped but includes every building, street names, woods, streams etc. It is mostly from IGN OpenData plus some itmes from OSM.

Corsica is in the map but not the French territories like Reunion.
Map Making Support / Re: Map colors on GPS device
August 22, 2022, 07:49:57 AM
cgpsmapper is (I believe) no longer supported. I use MKGMAP for compiling .mp files. It is much faster and free.
Map Making Support / Re: Aerial images
June 29, 2022, 12:42:23 AM
An important difference is that the tile limit (100/500) on KMZ files is per device (across all installed maps) whereas the 50000 limit for JNX is per map - and effectively no limit per device.
Map Making Support / Re: Aerial images
June 27, 2022, 12:54:47 AM
Yes, MAPC2MAPC (I'm the author) will make JNX files from most image formats. It will use GDAL (free) for the more complex ones like ECW. It is free to try.
Map Making Support / Re: Base Map Source?
May 04, 2022, 04:04:36 AM
There are shapefiles from USGS and USFS for landcover, transport, buildings, hydrography etc
For 'official' maps I know of Great Britain, France, Estonia and Finland - but not Mongolia.

GEOFABRIK has shapefiles made from Open Street Map.

All of these are free.
General Discussion / Re: Garmin Inreach Explorer
April 24, 2022, 12:50:17 PM
Thanks, Boyd.
General Discussion / Garmin Inreach Explorer
April 24, 2022, 08:29:32 AM
The Inreach manual suggests the standard Garmin Topo maps are not compatible with the Inreach Explorer.

Is that true - and is there a way to make maps for it?
CGPSMapper is no longer developed. MKGMAP is still developed and reads .mp files as well as OSM stuff. For me it is much faster than cGPSMapper and I use it to create a .GMAP folder that can be copied  to Program Data/Garmin/Maps for Basecamp on Windows or processed with GarminMapManager on MacOS - instead of running an installer that updates the Registry.
I've had trouble with Chrome and downloads, too.

Sometimes helps to right-click the link and open in a new window.
Just an idea ....

Each map has a 'family number' and if you have two different maps with the same family number I think one can mask the other.
One of the JaVaWa tools (Device Manager?) might help to diagnose what you have..
Boyds maps are a good solution. But if you really need Garmin then this may have the trails you want.

It's in the newer GMAP format - copy the unzipped GMAP folder to c:\programdata\garmin\maps