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Messages - abro

Reluctantly, I sat PA to the side until I become a lot more familiar with memory and memory related issues. It felt like I was asking stupid questions. I started Maryland and because it is small, there have been no problems. I just started Creating Setup Files in Part #9. I am sure I will have questions on the copyright section. Other than that, Maryland will finish quickly.

NEED HELP!!, I did not realize OZ was out until 3/17/09. I have been trying to Combine Data (Part eight) for almost a week with no luck. I get two different warnings from Global Mapper. The first is unable to load overlay Transportation.shp OUT OF MEMORY and the second is unknown error exporting to Polish mp file. OZ recommended I export the contour data in 100k grids and give them a blank header. Then export everything else in 100k grids and give it the real dictionary. He stated I could then use the dos copy command to combine the two pieces together. I tried this many different ways and Global Mapper gives me the same two errors. 
Sorry Dan, I forgot to give you the error. (the system cannot find the path specified)

Dan, the dos copy command ( copy ) is not working for me. I tried it from the command prompt, I tried it from the directory the files live in( Pennsylvania\release_version_1.00 ). I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I am not even sure I got a good export. need help, thanks

Dan, file sizes as follows:
   Flowline-------------  707,317
   Waterbody----------  259,826
   Transportation------  245,140
   Contours------------- 825,855
   Gnis------------------     1,103
   Fed Lnds/Nat Prk----   21,600
   Borders--------------   12,870   
   Total---------------- 2,245,693
GM error warnings are (unable to load overlay transportation.shp out of memory) I enter thru that and the next one that comes up is (unknown error exporting polish mp file)

Thanks for help,

Dan, I did what you recommended, I exported the contour data in 100k grids and called them PACont. I also unchecked the dictionary header box. Everything appeared to go good and now there are 42 100k grids sitting in my "release_version_1.00 folder. I then created another catalog, added all the required files except for the contour data. I called them PATopo, added the real dictionary header and began to export.  Within minutes Global Mapper produced a pop up (unable to load overlay transportation.shp out of memory). I appreciate the recommendations. 

I get low memory/no memory warnings, then complete shutdown of Global Mapper during the combing data tutorial part 8. Everything appeared to be fine during the adding of all the files required and export vector data, export polish mp. I set the polish mp export options, click ok it begins to build my 100k files/maps. It is during this process I get the low memory/no memory warnings. I enter thru the warnings and finally I get an out of memory warning and global mapper shuts down completely. Note: The state is PA, and I am using a pentium 4 w/ 4gb ram. please help

thanks jim
Apologize for not getting back for a week, I got sick. I removed the one GB of Ram and installed a set of four GB. The computer now processed all of the contour data for the state of Pennsylvania in a shade under fourteen hours. It never quit processing, as far as I know. I ran task manager on processes and let it alone.

Thanks Jim
I am installing 4GB of RAM in a few minutes. I'll start processing pretty quick. Thanks for everybodies input. I'll let you guys know how we are making out.

The reason I know the computer has stopped processing, Windows, Task Manager will notify me with a Glogbal Mapping not responding message. My computer right now is a pentium IIII  3.00 GHz processor, and 2.99 GHz clock speed with 1 GB Ram. Am I light on the ram for map making.

Map Making Support / Processing Contours w/ Global Mapper
February 11, 2009, 08:00:08 AM
I am working on a complete map of PA.  I have completed all of Tutorial # 1 and lines 1 thru 15 of the Global Mapper inst. On Tutorial # 2. All is good until I call the files contours and click OK. After 15 minutes my computer stops processing. On the two small pop-up that are showing, the first (Finding Contour Segments) is 55%, and the other (Generating Contours) is 2% complete.

Thanks for the help,

Map Making Support / Re: Creating .img Files
February 09, 2009, 05:25:14 PM
I copied the cgpsmapper.exe file from its own directory (C:\Program_Files\cgpsmapper) to a folder named release_version_1.00 in the map program I am currently working. (Penna_Topo). I get the same message:

Cannot find import; DLL may be missing, corrupt, or wrong version
File "SENDG.DLL", error 126

Map Making Support / Creating .img Files
February 09, 2009, 07:37:09 AM
I am having problems converting .mp files to Garmin compatible .img files. I ran the five steps in the tutorial several times and ended up with this message:

Cannot find import; DLL may be missing, corrupt, or wrong version
File "SENDG.DLL", error 126

Note: Because I was having so many issues early in the tutorials, I decreased the size from a full Pennsylvania map to a one county map. I plan to complete two state maps, when all my issues are resolved.

Thanks Jim
General Discussion / Re: Windows XP Home Edition
February 04, 2009, 08:45:24 PM
It works; I assumed that just having onboard and running would work. I did not realize the file had to be extracted from within That is probably what expected me to do all along.

Thanks all,  Jim
General Discussion / Re: Windows XP Home Edition
February 04, 2009, 08:03:05 PM
the file opened fine, see attached.
