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Topics - steffen

First of all thank you for your great tutorial!!!

I am almost done with New Mexico. Due to heavy naming issues (spanish characters in many geo names) I was not able to use the PostgreSQL/Postgis for the NHD's, transportation and NGIS. The generaton of the sql files was successful, but I got tons of errors while putting those data into the db. Therefore I had to find other solutions, which was really difficult due to the huge amount of polygones, lines etc. The ngis POIs coming from USGS are in very poor quality (at least for New Mexico)! A lot of them had the same coordinates, others are using 0000000N and 0000000W, or they occour twice (e.g. La Ventana Arch). It tooks quite a long time to fix most of those things. Here are some additions/corrections for your tutorial:

1. The setup procedure for PostgreSQL/Postgis does not work for me. I had to install the db as a service, otherwise I had no configuration files, like pg_hba_conf... and I can't start the service of course

2. Instead of using the forest data from FSGeodata Clearinghouse, I took the data from here: The Clearinghouse data does not contain a .prj file nor trail and road names. The USFS data comes with all of them.

3. The US Fish & Wildlife Service provides GIS for NWRs which could be useful as well

4. I also add urban data (current place) coming from Tiger

5. the border data in new_mexico.xls is not correct, south should be 31

6. tweaking POI data, e.g. seperate MP_TYPE for big cities...

7. ...

Best Regards,