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Messages - shec6135

thanks eaparks, i appreciate it!
when i go to the tracks menu it has the option to turn track log on/off, four different options: setup, save, clear, and tracback, then underneath these four options it has all my saved tracks.

when i go to setup it shows a box i can check or uncheck that reads "wrap when full", underneath that it has record method, next it has the intervals of distance, the color of the track, then lastly it has the data card setup:which gives you the option to log tracks to data card, shows you % used, and a button that says delete all which is above all my gpx files.

so i can turn tracks on or off but cannot replace continuation with start. and if i clear the track log after saving my track how won't this erase the track i just saved?? thanks again -shaun
thanks eaparks! -shaun
so after making a track i should save it to my computer, delete it from my gps, then re-send it to my gps unit to keep from ending up with the straight lines connecting the different tracks? how do you edit out the straight lines using mapsource?
eaparks, not to hijack this man's thread but i also have the 60csx and was wondering about this 2nd question as well...

i downloaded NE topo part 3, but only uploaded ohio to my 60csx before making tracks and setting waypoints. are you saying that if i re sent ohio, pennsylvania, and west virginia that i would delete my current tracks and waypoints? -shaun
i know there's a search function, but i don't know what i'm looking at so i wouldn't know what to search for to find my answer, answers greatly appreciated!

i have a couple different areas i've been scouting making tracks and setting waypoints, today is the first day i've transferred my waypoints and track from my device to my computer.

when i transferred them everythings all and good but they are all connected by red lines that are (as the crow flies) straight from one set of tracks/waypoints to the next. i have always turned off my gps in between these places i don't know how they've become connected at all... my question is how do i get rid of these lines seeing as they are useless (some of my tracks are an hour and a half drive from one another) and a straight line from one to the other would only be a good thing if i had a plane and there were runways at each

thanks in advance! -shaun ???
after downloading the N.E. usa part 3 to my garminmap 60csx i thought i had a topomap and shaded in regions for my state of state and national forest, but after going to the national forest HQ i realized that there are private properties in these state and national forests that you could wander onto quite easily. are you guys saying that this overlay map would show those private properties on the map i already have? ??? thanks in advance, shaun
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 14, 2011, 07:49:27 PM
thanks boyd! ;)
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 13, 2011, 08:47:56 PM
i was also wondering about downloading more of the maps from mapsource onto my 60csx. if i add quadrants from the same map that i took specific quadrants from the last time, will it erase my waypoints, or is there anything i should know before hand? i wasn't sure how many states my 8gb micro sdhc card would hold so i only did a portion on southern ohio (the parts with state game land), would an 8 gb card hold all of OH, PA, and WV as well? the map is the N.E. USA part 3 map. thanks in advance -shaun
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 13, 2011, 08:29:14 PM
jben, you found and old fence (that was the actual border) and the gps was showing 50 ft off of that? i'm sure trees and things can move gradually if on a steap enough hillside, coupled with the fact that fencelines are never really that accurate (old ones anyways). i did find a stake on one of the back corners that was 15-20ft off of what my gps was telling me was the actual corner. so since it benefits me i think i'll take that neighbors word for it!lol this back corner of our propert i have never hunted b/c this guy is a lunatic and i wasn't sure about the property line back there, i never would have found this stake if it wasn't for me getting a new gps! i have never been so pleased. i can see why you guys take so much enjoyment in this hobbie, why are there only like 600 memebers here? i don't understand it, is it some kind of secret?lol thanks again -shaun
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 12, 2011, 02:45:47 PM
surveys are acurate to the fraction of a foot. i'm a deer hunter, i don't need all that... i did base my starting point off a corner marker, but as long as i know within a couple meters like i said i'm a bowhunter, and deer run on average 50-100 yards after the shot so i'm not going to be hunting the property line. but my route did lead me within 1 meter in places of fence lines as well, i am TICKLED PINK with my new gps!lol thank you guys for your concern. -shaun
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 12, 2011, 02:34:19 PM
i agree with what your saying jben but i found a corner stake where my neighbor had his property surveyed and used the measure distance tool to go all the way around my property. it's not exactly square but it's self checking when you get back to the start point with all the measurments from the plot map working out and in between waypoints leads you right along some fence rows (within 5 ft) you can average in the cordinate multiple times for that corner stake as well, but like i said before it is good for you to point these things out to someone who doesn't know what they're doing, i GOT thanks anyways. -shaun
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 12, 2011, 02:03:45 AM
"According to the FAA's web site, testing of the WAAS in september 2002 confirmed an accuracy performance of 1-2 meters horizontal and 2-3 meters vertical throughout the majority of the continental United States and portions of Alaska"

this is right out of the manual that came with my gps. now i live in ohio (the southern part) but even then the hills around here are no taller than 900 ft above sea level, there are lots of satelites to be picked up and no hills capable of throwing off the gps at a measley 900 ft. now i can agree that it's not going to be EXACT, but do you really think that in 9 years they've gotten less acurate at what they do?lol i mean common, don't we all strive to get worse and worse at what we do, if this was so i think we would have reverted back to being neandrathals a lot quicker already.

i don't hunt right on the property lines for obvious reasons so 2-3 meters is certainly accurate enough for me.
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 11, 2011, 05:26:00 PM
thanks maps4gps for the info as well. i had my WAAS satelite capabilty turned off so i know it's within 10/14ft+/-
General Discussion / Re: new here from ohio!
February 11, 2011, 05:23:32 PM
thanks boyd for the good info!