Open pg_hba.conf with no Configurations Files>Edit links in PostgreSQL 8.4

Started by Mike_Green, August 08, 2009, 11:24:27 PM

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I am trying to change the pg_hba.conf to trust pursuant to the tutorial "Installing & Setting Up PostgreSQL With PostGIS"

Using Windows XP there is not an option for to open pg_hba.conf using  (start>all programs>postgresql X.X>Configurations Files>Edit pg_hba.conf)

There is an option for "Reload Configuration" but not "Configuration Files"

I have found instructions for changing the configuration that state
"You can use the pg_hba.conf editor that is built into pgAdmin III to edit the pg_hba.conf configuration file." but I have not been able to determine how to access the pg_hba.conf editor in pgAdmin III

Becasue of the Topo Process Program (BETA!) posting:
      "Possible bug:
      - May not work with password protected postgresql databases"

I would like to know how I can remove the passoword protection in PostgreSQL 8.4

Indrid Cold

I just installed postgresql-8.3.5-1 on an Windows XP Pro system and the option is there. Try rolling back to that version and see if that clears things up.