Alaska map installed to unit and enabled, but not active

Started by quinnbguy, December 26, 2014, 11:26:55 AM

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Hi Everybody-

I've just downloaded and successfully installed the Alaska map to my Nuvi, directly onto the unit's own memory.

I can see the map on the unit thru Windows, I can see the map is on the unit through Basecamp, I have enabled the map through the unit's own settings.

I have reset the unit twice, yet still can't find or select anything containing Alaska on the state choices. I've also selected change country, thinking maybe the map would appear elsewhere, but still no luck.

Any suggestions? What am I missing here?

Many thanks,


Enable the Alaska map and disable all other maps using the menu on your Nuvi (menu structure varies with different models). Are you actually in Alaska now? If not, then go into the Nuvi menus and turn the GPS Simulator on (again, procedure is different on different models).

You should now see the Nuvi "basemap" on your screen. Zoom way out and drag the map up to Alaska. Zoom in. Do you see the Alaska map now? In simulator mode, you can select any spot on the map and the GPS will "pretend" you are actually there. This allows you to do searches, etc. as though you were in Alaska.