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Trouble Compiling a Garmin MP file.

Started by rooster, June 16, 2009, 06:13:17 PM

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I can view my Garmin GPRr information in Mapsource.  I can see the Tracks and Waypoints.  Saved that to a Polish Format.  Went to Compile using the tutorial found hear and got the following error message.  What does this mean?

Error E021   Grid Definition for Layers must be decending (check LevelX keys in [img id])

Did I miss a step somewhere?


Can you attach your .mp file (it seems small) my guess is you're lacking the header information with levels and all that.
Dan Blomberg
Administrator - GPSFileDepot
GPS Units: Garmin Dakota 20, Garmin GPSMap 60csx, Nuvi 255W, Nuvi 250W, ForeRunner 110, Fenix 2, Tactix Bravo, Foretrex 401
See/Download My Maps!


Okay let me see if I can attach it......What I did to create it was I opened the Garmin GDB file in Mapsource.  Then I did a Save As to Polish Format.  That is all I did to it.  Tried to run it thru cGPSmapper (Free) and get this error using the batch files from this site.  I have been trying to get this to work for several months and can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Thanks for your help.


I have never seen a .mp file like this.  Normally it has the points and doesn't just point to another file.

What made this .mp file?  My suggestion:
1. Save the gdb file as a gpx file in mapsource.
2. open the gpx file in Gpsmapedit (you'll only need the demo to do this)
3. save as a .mp
Follow the tutorial to get the dictionary header.

Then try to compile
Dan Blomberg
Administrator - GPSFileDepot
GPS Units: Garmin Dakota 20, Garmin GPSMap 60csx, Nuvi 255W, Nuvi 250W, ForeRunner 110, Fenix 2, Tactix Bravo, Foretrex 401
See/Download My Maps!


Quote from: -Oz- on June 18, 2009, 06:01:34 PM
I have never seen a .mp file like this.  Normally it has the points and doesn't just point to another file.

What made this .mp file?  My suggestion:
1. Save the gdb file as a gpx file in mapsource.
2. open the gpx file in Gpsmapedit (you'll only need the demo to do this)
3. save as a .mp
Follow the tutorial to get the dictionary header.

Then try to compile

Mapsource made this file.  I just pulled up the GDB file and did a Save As.  I will try your suggestion of saving it as a GPX file.


Once you open the .gpx file in MapEdit, you are going to need to convert the attached file to POI's, then you can remove the attached .gpx file. Then you save it. I believe that's where you went wrong.

Is there a tutorial on this procedure I can read about this?  This is all Greek to me and I really want to understand it.


Okay I have attached the Garmin File.  Here is basically what I am trying to accomplish.  I ride a 4-wheeler and accumulate alot of tracks for a particular area.  Well over 20 tracks.  I want to take the information I have now and convert it to an IMG file so I can load it directly to the memory card and then still have my Track Space inside the GPSr available for future tracks.  Hope this makes some sense.

File is attached.  I appreciate all the guidance or help you can give me.


Thanks for doing that for me.  I will try your suggestions and see what I can make happen.  I will post back with my results.

This GPS stuff is just a tad bit complicated,  LOL


I had completely forgot that it had to be converted.  Getting to used to ArcMap and Global Mapper :)
Dan Blomberg
Administrator - GPSFileDepot
GPS Units: Garmin Dakota 20, Garmin GPSMap 60csx, Nuvi 255W, Nuvi 250W, ForeRunner 110, Fenix 2, Tactix Bravo, Foretrex 401
See/Download My Maps!


Hello Everyone,

I was trying to figure some things out with this.  The IMG file that you made for me -- how do I get this loaded onto my GPSr?

Also I was trying out the instructions and when I got to the 'Convert to PolyLine' portion I got lost in MapEdit.  Where do you find Convert to Polyline.  Looked under tools but couldn't find it.



Thank you Sir.  I got that to work loading to the GPSr.  Now I have some editing to do.  Is it possible to use the Tennessee Topo Map that is on this site and incorporate the .img data of the trails you converted for me as one MapSet.  


Thanks....I will work on it.....Thanks for the patience on all my questions.  I am trying to understand all this and I am making slow progress.



Quote from: rooster on June 22, 2009, 03:17:30 PM
Thank you Sir.  I got that to work loading to the GPSr.  Now I have some editing to do.  Is it possible to use the Tennessee Topo Map that is on this site and incorporate the .img data of the trails you converted for me as one MapSet.  
If you make it as a transparent overlay you can both at the same time on the GPS. If you want it as part of the TOPO, you would need to provide the trail data to the map author to include.

Is the Transparent Overlay in MapEdit or when you run it thru cGPSMapper?


Based on that, it sound that you are wanting a transparent overlay trail map.

Given that, you want to export the track info to a .gpx file (see attached).
The open it with MapEdit.
Then select all attached files.
Then convert to polyline, select "trails" as type.
Also in the map properties, you want to select as a transparent map type.
Then you can remove all attached files (the .gpx of the trails)
You should see all the trails you coverted on your map.
Save and name the file.
I took your header and edited it with the trail info. (attached is the .mp file)
The export it to cGPSMapper. (I have attached the finished 12345678.img file for you).


I was having a little trouble with the header info. In MapEdit -- How do you get the Header Information Selected so that it appears in the .MP file.  I went thru the Map Properties Tabs and filled in the Type Set, ID, Name and Selected it as Transparent but when I Save to Polish Format the header information is not there.



Quote from: rooster on June 27, 2009, 04:58:15 AM
I was having a little trouble with the header info. In MapEdit -- How do you get the Header Information Selected so that it appears in the .MP file.  I went thru the Map Properties Tabs and filled in the Type Set, ID, Name and Selected it as Transparent but when I Save to Polish Format the header information is not there.
I think you have to convert some data for it to write a header. How did you have you levels set?

Hmmmm....I guess I have to select the Map Levels in the Map Properties then.  That is what puts the header information into the file.