Map question - multiple files on the garmin

Started by RickW, June 08, 2012, 07:54:00 AM

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I downloaded a couple of files and they view as expected in basecamp. View map shows the two file names, and they view correctly  A big thank you.
Where my question lies, on the garmin,  under map files, it shows as 25 or so individual sub files.  What happens if I have two different maps as checked? 24 & 100K, which one takes precedence?  Is there a way to get them to show on the Garmin as only two maps like it shows in Basecamp?  It works fine, but I am trying to understand how to best manage them, and what I am viewing when two or more are checked. 
Thanks- Rick


Display names work differently on different Garmins.  You'll get a better answer if you tell us which one you are using.  Re: 24K and 100k maps.  DrawPriority (built into the map) may make a difference, but wherever I had both 24 and 100K data, I'd disable the 100k.

Indrid Cold

If you are seeing 25 subfiles, press the MENU button on your gps to see the two mapsets along with the basemap.



Your info was exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you
What happens if you have two maps marked as show map, for the same area, which takes precedence?



The one with the highest DrawPriority (a value compiled into the map between 1 and 31) will show on top of the one with the lower DrawPriority.  The default DrawPriority is 25.  City Navigator's DrawPriority is 30.  So you'll probably need to disable City Navigator to see most maps from this site.