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Help with Garmin Map Making Polygons

Started by user2600844, January 14, 2012, 09:53:59 AM

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The problem I have is when zooming in or out, the polygons appear, then dissapear. Has anyone had similar problems, what was your solution? Any help would be appreciated. I am attaching pics showing what is happening.


Are you using custom types? What draw order have you assigned to the polygons? Is there a background polygon?


I am using gpsmapedit, cgpsmapper, and mapsettoolkit. I am using the standard types. I cannot see where the order is on the polygons? In those programs where would the order be? Yes there is a background polygon, could I send you the img, typ, and txt and let you see?
Thank you.


Sorry, should have been more clear. The draw order relates to the color/pattern used to fill the polygon and is defined in the header of the custom type file. Higher draw order items are drawn after low numbered items and appear on top. If you don't use custom types, you will be stuck with whatever Garmin's default is, which might be inconsistent.

See page 33+ here:


I put all the polygons I want showing up as a a draw order of 6, then I did it over as an 8. Still it dissapears as I zoom in and out, I made sure there was no background polygon. Any other suggestions? Thank you, Dave

Indrid Cold

This generally happens when you have 2 or more polygons in the same layer with the same draw priority as they fight for display supremacy. Check your source data for overlaping data.