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Problem with loading new map to my 60CSx

Started by rocky, December 08, 2010, 01:02:55 PM

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I realize that a similar thread exists already, however, I believe that I struggle with a slightly different issue.

I am using MacBook Pro. I successfully updated the software of my 60 CSx. Then I bought a new map for New Zealand. Because the memory of the 60 CSx is almost completely filled with other maps, I took the memory chip out and inserted an empty one as suggested on Garmin's page. The download from Garmin's page directly to the 60 CSx went just fine, i.e., it recognized the 60 CSx correctly.

When I turn on my Garmin now, the new map is not there, and many of the features for finding addresses, places etc. are gone.

What did I do wrong? Where is the map? What do I need to have the 60 CSx work again?

Thanks for your help!



Did you purchase a downloadable map from Garmin? When connected to your computer, do you see a file named gmapsupp.img? If so, how large is the file? If you don't see the file, or if it is very small, then there was some kind of download problem.

I suspect you are going to have to contact Garmin support about this issue since not many people around here (myself included) have purchased maps in this format from Garmin. Generally speaking, this is the least desirable map format (as opposed to buying a DVD or pre-loaded data card) because it has more limitations.

You might find some help at Garmin's support forum here:


Thanks for the fast response! No I never saw such a file - at least not when I downloaded it. However, after reading your response I searched for the filename and I found it!!! It is on an external device which I have not used for many days!!! Heaven knows why the file was copied there, while I believed it would be copied directly to the 60 CSx

So the next problem is right around the corner: When I open MapInstall, it tells me that there are no maps around that could be installed. This despite the fact that I copied the file from the external device to the local harddisk on which also MapInstall resides.

At least I know now that I have the data (about 170 MB), the new question is how to get it from the harddisk to the CSx. Maybe someone has a simple answer, otherwise I shall have to contact Garmion directly.

rocky - still shaking his head slowly, wondering how the data found this strange way to the external harddisk...


Not sure how you got there since I've never installed one of those. But if you have a file named gmapsupp.img, it was intended for the GPS itself and can't be used by any software on your Mac. Do you have an external USB card reader (or internal SD card slot)? You could do the same thing by connecting the GPS itself, but that will be dog-slow. I mean S-L-O-W, as in USB 1.0.

Make sure your blank memory card is formatted as MSDOS FAT32. Create a folder named Garmin, and copy your gmapsupp.img file to it. If you see another file named gmapsupp.unl, also copy it there (part of the copy protection on some maps). Pop the card in the GPS and see if it works. If not, then i think your next stop is Garmin support.

One disadvantage of the older 60csx is that it can only access one file on the card - gmapsupp.img. Normally you could encapsulate multiple maps in this file, but not so with Garmin's download products. You will have to physically swap cards to change maps.