Problem when load map (.img) to Garmin Nuvi - Please help !!

Started by gpsfan, November 08, 2010, 07:23:56 AM

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Dear All
I got Nuvi 1450
I had a map already use on this Nuvi.
I took it out from microSD card and do something as follow :
- Use MapEdit to open .img file and add some waypoint, draw some new short street.
- Menu File -->Save Map As  .... Map polish (.mp) file
- Menu File --> Export --> Garmin IMG/ cgpsmapper.exe  to convert  .mp file to .imp file through cgpsmapper already installed on my computer.
When done - I copy the new .img map file to microSD and re-name it to gmapsupp.img
Now - turn on the Nuvi and  I get the new map with waypoint and new added street. It work OK
Only one thing : the new map can not working when I select a point and navigate to.  It seem to navigate at another place and  do not track be long to map ... WHY  ??

Please tell me that I did something wrong in above process.
Many thanks


What was the map? City Navigator? Sounds like you broke the routing by doing what you did. Discussion of hacking commercial software products is generally discouraged on this site...


All software  I listed above are FREE.  You can check on their website
MapEdit is the free also, but I already got licence from them (~65 USD)
The map I use is the National Map - We did it ourselves from years
I need to modify our map for some new road ...
I just add some road base on track loaded from handheld GPS and do not broke any existing road


Most free maps will not route. That is something Garmin does not tell how they handle.

My suggestion would be to buy a lifetime Garmin Map upgrade. They you would get all the new streets.

I think Amazon has the lifetime maps for less than $85.00, and the new maps come out 4 times a year.

The only drawback is that it's on good for one unit, not transferable.


Heh, just guessing that gpsfan doesn't live in the US.  ;)

Sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to do. If this is a map you made yourself, then you probably need to go back to the original (source) .mp file and make your changes instead of opening the .img file and converting it back to .mp.

It is certainly possible to make your own routable maps  - there are at least 3 tools for this now (cgpsmapper, mapwel and mkgmap). It's not something I've ever done myself though.


I am not clear on what you have done or are asking.  However, older versions of gpsmapedit allowed yoiu to edit a copyrighted Garmin map, however when you did that you lost the ability to navigate.  Getting the lifetime updates is the best way to handle this.  However, if you want to add roads that are not in City Navigator, use the process you mentioned to create a new TRANSPARENT map.  I do this all the time as part of My Trails.  Lots of parks don't have the roads in them, so I add them on a transparent overlay map.  Then just save a second map on your card with another name.  But it must be set to transparent or ir will cover up your other map.