Oregon 450 see uploded map on GPS unit but can't view when enabled

Started by lindabeth, July 10, 2010, 02:45:43 PM

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I just got a Garmin 450, which only come with a basemap.  I installed Mapsource, Training, Mapinstall, Basecamp all on my computer. I want to install 24k maps so I can do turn by turn and also upload maps for areas of the US I am traveling in during August.  I also want to be able to makr my location while I am hiking alone so as to not lose my campsite.

I was able to successfully open up a Northwest US topo map and sent it to my 450.  When I go to Setup-Maps, it is there along with the preinstalled basemap.  If I enable the NW map and disable the basemap, all I see is a blank white map.  Can you tell me what I might not be able to view the uploaded NW map?  Did I need to install Mapsource on the Garmin itself?  If so how do I do that?  I have Windows Vista.

Thanks!  This is my 1st time with a GPS.


MapSource and/or BaseCamp goes on your PC.   
Are you looking in an area where you uploaded the data via Mapsource and did you zoom-in on the GPSr to 1 or 2 miles (or closer)?  If there are no major roads you may have to zoom-in to 500'.
FYI - that mapset does not have routable roads.


Quote from: lindabeth on July 10, 2010, 02:45:43 PMI want to install 24k maps so I can do turn by turn and also upload maps for areas of the US I am traveling in during August.

Very few of the maps on this site are capable of routing (turn by turn navigation), and the ones that are do not have full capabilities of searching for addresses or showing you where local businesses are. If you want these features you will need to purchase City Navigator North America from Garmin.


Thanks for tip on getting the turn by turn.  Once I zoomed in quite a bit, I was in fact able to see the map--thanks!  I assume the basemap is the first priority map, and will "override" viewing any other map I upload, correct? 


No, it's the other way around. Any detailed map will cover up the basemap.