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Downloading NED in GeoTiff format

Started by 93ToyTruck, September 11, 2015, 09:50:33 PM

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I can no longer download GeoTiff NED data using the "National Map Seamless Server"(links from the California.xls file):

I've been trying randomly over the last several weeks. It always says that there are 2 or more requests ahead of me and times out before finishing. I have a feeling that the service has been shut down and no longer available. Does anybody have any insight?

I need the GeoTiffs for Dem2Topo. Is the only option to convert ArcGrid to GeoTiff? Are there any other ways to get the GeoTiff data? I downloaded some ArcGrid files from the National Viewer and the files cover 1/4 of the area. I really prefer the larger files.



USGS Seamless Server - 'It always says that there are 2 or more requests ahead of me and times out before finishing.'   -  That is a surprising message as USGS discontinued that method of obtaining their date 2 or 3 years ago.   Data is now obtained through the National Map interface; originally prestaged 1x1 degree files could be obtained via selecting larger areas in the map view, however, it seams recently this has been restricted to selecting one 1x1 degree area at a time.  There may be other methods; however, for me obtaining the most recent data from USGS has become too needlessly time consuming.


The link that they email is a static link to an FTP server. You can browse the directory and get what you want if you remove the zip file name. It's a lot easier than going through the map viewer UI.

I used the Seamless Server within the last year. The larger files are a lot easier to work with. I should have downloaded more when I had the chance.


More info...
The datasets in the National Viewer are 1x1 degree so they're twice the size as the files from the Seamless Server. When I performed a search, I selected a 1x1 degree index but the results display files for adjacent areas so it looks like multiple files are needed for the selected area.

The data from the seamless server had small gaps between the files. The data from the National Viewer slightly exceeds the bounds so you end up with overlap unless you trim before merging.

I sent an email to the USGS about the seamless server and they responded with this URL:
Data \ Download Tool provides the same functionality as the old Seamless Server.

The links in the state spreadsheets will work if you change the URL from to



It was moved to the national map long ago (this is an 8-year-old thread) :) . I've been consuming large amounts of 1-meter LIDAR DEM, just re-processed this map to fix some problems with my original version,2579.msg27076.html#msg27076

But also downloading a substantial amount of additional 1-meter DEM to expand that map to cover all of New England. I'm using a 2tb SSD to process the files and have to constantly do housecleaning to keep any free space at all. Archiving all the original USGS source files to an 8tb hard disk that is almost full now, just got another disk yesterday.

If you know what you're looking for, it's much better to go directly to the source. The USGS has been moving all their files to Amazon S3. You can download directly there, it's very fast. Here are direct links to the geoTIFF downloads, they also have .img versions (arcgis .img, NOT garmin .img  ;) )

1 arc-second

1/3 arc-second (these have been updated with LIDAR imagery)

1/3 arc-second (legacy version)

1/9 arc-second LIDAR DEM (only available in .img format)

1-meter LIDAR DEM

Moving things to Amazon is a big upgrade from USGS' slow old servers, although it's kind of sad they couldn't do it in-house. This is the root for all the USGS datasets on AWS, there is quite a lot, including historical topo maps, landcover, aerial imagery and more

It all gets pretty confusing though, to the point that I wrote a database to ingest the USGS indexes so I can search and sort the files the way I want and keep track of what I've downloaded.