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trouble downloading maps

Started by masterofnone, October 23, 2012, 04:36:26 PM

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I'm a noob with a new dakota 20 and not real computer savvy either. I bought city navigator north america cd to download and use on my road bike. So I have the cn map in my basecamp, but I'm having trouble transferring it to my dakota, it's not registering it in the map section. Sorry if this topic has been beat to death.


Ok, so I'm following the tutorial, but I'm hitting a wall. It says I don't have enough room to download city navigator map north america, not even a single map section. Do I need to buy more storage or a card?


Internal memory is 850MB.  Don't know what you've got in it, but I suggest you buy at least a 4GB microSD card and load the map onto that.  CNNANT for USA+Canada is about 1.5 GB.


Thanks. I had a spare micro card hanging around, popped it in and, viola, done.


Glad you got it working. Just FYI, when you purchase City Navigator by download like this, it's an "all or nothing" proposition. You must have enough room for the entire map, you can't just download a small section. That is only possible if you purchase the DVD version.