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Garmin Clorado 400C and loading TOPO Maps

Started by RubRsidedown, September 10, 2012, 11:27:35 AM

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  I loaded (pretty simply I must say) Topo maps to my new to me Garmin Colorado 400C but for some strange reason when I go to use the GPS out on the road or search none of the roads that are on Basemap. The ONLY way I can see/view them is if I move the pointer and THEN they pop up.

I checked to make sure the settings are correct, (they seem to be) but I can't for the life of me get this thing to properly display roads/trails etc. when I'm in the map mode.

Can anyone lend a hand?

Thanks in advance

Jeff B  In Maine
Jeff B  In Maine

"We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing."


I wonder if the Colorado 400c has the same issue as the Oregon 400c?,2930.0.html

Quote from: eaparks on June 06, 2012, 08:10:33 PM
The Oregon 400c uses satellite imagery as part of its basemap and their is a known problem with the satellite imagery basemap not allowing other maps to dispay in quite a broad zoom range of zoom levels.  It has been a couple of years so I don't remember the whole range of zoom levels where the problem exisit. 

The 400c was the first Oregon I had about 2 1/2 years ago and I talked to Garmin engineering mutliple times about the problem but never got any satisfactory results.  Garmin ended up letting me swap it for an Oregon 400t and later went to the 450.

If you turn off all factory installed maps Garmin Blue Charts and also turn off the basemap I think you can then view your other maps as you want.

I had pretty well documented the problems online and you can probably find some of my old posts that will explain it in more detail.

The Master Reset and changing Map detail, in this instance with the 400c won't help the problem your experiencing.

You might check to be sure your running the latest software version, just in case Garmin fixed the problem after I got rid of mine.


It may be crystal clear to you; however,
'I loaded ... Topo maps' does not tell us much.  There are thousands of topo maps available for Garmin GPSrs by many 10s of map authors.
For Maine (if the maps are for where you are in) there are 4 topo mapsets on this site alone which inclued Maine.

' ... the settings are correct' - which settings and what is it that you consider correct?

Mapsets can conflict with others; try with only one mapset loaded to your 400C.
Also try in recreational profile; if in it, swith to another and then back to recreational.


Quote from: Boyd on September 10, 2012, 11:42:38 AM
I wonder if the Colorado 400c has the same issue as the Oregon 400c?,2930.0.html

Thanks for the heads up and link.

I have resoled the issue.

Thanks once again
Jeff B  In Maine

"We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing."


Would you mind sharing how you resolved the issue? 
Others may have the same issue in the future and may find this thread or someone remember the solution and how is was resolved.


  I had my Colorado 400C locked on the Marine setting.
Once I set it to Recreational everything showed up like in Basecamp.
VERY nice!!!!
I did try the Automobile mode and it didn't give the detail I was looking for for the type of use I an going to be using it for so REC mode is what works for me.

Thanks everyone.
I REALLY think I'm going to like this little hand held for boat and snowmobile use.

Now if I could only find the cable to my Streetpilot III so I can change the maps in that as well for when I go out for motorcycle rides in out of the way places.   :(

Jeff B  In Maine

Jeff B  In Maine

"We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing."


Thanks for the info. 
Chalk up another profile issue.  Many love it.  For others it is a PITA until made known.
