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Viewing multiple layers on eTrex 20

Started by eslfreak, April 19, 2012, 01:00:57 AM

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I feel like I am asking a nube question, but I have read the other postings concerning viewing multiple maps and I have changed the names of the gpsupp.img file to suit my needs. Nothing seems to work.

I have downloaded Northwest Trails layer and a few Washington State topos from GPSFile Depot. I can view the Northwest Trails layer, but I can't seem to upload the Topo so that it shows up in my GPSr. Let me back up and tell you what I have done.

I closed BaseCamp to install each layer. Each layer shows up separately in the dropdown menu in BaseCamp.  I installed one layer file and changed the gmapupp.img file name to something else. then I uploaded the other file through BaseCamp. Now all I can see on top of the other base map files is the Northwest Trails map.

I want to be able to see trails and topo contour lines at the same time. I have a 4 GB mini SD card installed, but I haven't tried uploading maps or other layers to the card yet. If this is something I need to do, I would appreciate any guidance in that direction.


What profile are you using?  Try setting to Recreational.  (Setup>Profiles>Recreational.) Can you see the Topos if NW trails is disabled?


I uploaded the topo again with BaseCamp. Everything seems to be working fine now. Probably I didn't actually upload the topo in the first place.

Now I can view the colored background map, the topo contours, and the NW Trails layer.

I need to be more aware of what and how I upload.