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Turning breadcrumbs into a route

Started by rnorey, November 05, 2011, 05:43:31 AM

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I have a NUVI 500 and would like to know how to turn the breadcrumb trail into a perminate line that will show up in my maps. 


Do you really want a "route", or just a line that always shows on the screen (like a  road). They aren't the same thing... a route provides directions, telling you when to turn. If you just want a line on the screen, see this:,2456.0.html

If you want a route, I *think* Basecamp will let you open the track and convert it to a route. Download Basecamp here:


I just want a line that shows up on the map.  I think that is why I have been having such a problem, because I have been trying to make a route instead.  Thanks for the info, I will go to the link.


I downloaded the Mapwel trial and succesfully converted a Nuvi 550 track to routeable, transparent map. I live near the Mississippi River and in May they completed a bridge, replacing the ferry which was the only crossing for 30 miles. I used my Nuvi 550 to create a track of the bridge and approach roads. I loaded this into the Mapwel trial and on my second try succesfully uploaded the map to my 550. The trail version limits the size of the map and zoom level options but the trail map is visible at some zoom levels over City Nav. The map is ONLY routeable with City Nav deselected.

Mapwel seems to be pretty sophisticated but not easy to use, at least for me, and the manual is not very detailed.

There are several advanced looking tools for creating maps that are over my head and   I only tried the converting existing vector data (GDB, GPX, etc.) method . On my first try at uploading the map I selected "merge with existing map". This went on for over two hours and from what I can tell it was attempting to merge my map with John M's SE USA, which is what I had installed as my supplemental map. It eventually indicated successful completetion but when I unplugged the Nuvi and tried to select maps the supplemental map did not show up at all, only City Nav.

On the second try I did NOT select merge with existing maps and the operation took only seconds and I now have City Nav, SE USA and my new Audubon Bridge Map in the Map Info screen.