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Started by ACLakey, October 13, 2011, 10:59:58 AM

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Hello all, I have been using a Delorme PN40 for a few years and recently purchased a few Rinos for my Dad and I to use for hunting.  Great site, lots of stuff to learn as I have been away from Garmin for a while. 

I did a search and have not found a way to convert files from Topo 8 to Basecamp, any thoughts?


Delorme and Garmin maps are not compatible. I have no experience with Delorme software, but if you can export .gpx files, then this should be a way to move your waypoints, tracks and routes to a Garmin unit. Basecamp can import .gpx files.


Thanks, that is what I have done so far.  I did some extensive map and property overlays for my county with Esri software and was able to get the overlay in the Delorme software and on my PN40.  I also put all of the open Forest Service roads on the unit after they implemented their Travel Management Plan.  The data was helpful but not a must.


If you have ESRI shapefiles, you can convert them to Garmin maps. There are a number of ways to do this; one would be to open them in GPSMapEdit, save as .mp files and export to cgpsmapper to create a garmin .img file. You could also use GlobalMapper to create the .mp file for cgpsmapper.

Another method would be to use Mapwel which can directly export .img files without cgpsmapper.