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GPSMap 62sc gmapsupp.img File Question

Started by [email protected], April 21, 2013, 08:56:55 AM

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[email protected]

Hi All,

My Background: I'm new at this - my last handheld was a GPSMap 76 - haven't used a handheld for 6-10 years.

I've run into a problem with my 62sc after installing the Nevada Topo from GPSFileDepot.

I'm no longer able to select routes I downloaded from basecamp or routes I create on the device itself (via Route Planner).

When I select a route downloaded form basecamp (Worldwide Autoroute DEM Basemap, NR), the device powers off.

When I select a route I created, via Route Planner, I see "Map error encountered. There are no routable maps on this device".

My 62sc has the basemap enabled and the Nevada Topo and BirdsEyes disabled.

I have researched this 'til I'm blue in the face and every suggestion refers to the gmapsupp.img file in the Garmin folder on the device.

I don't have a gmapsupp.img file in the Garmin folder on my 62sc.

I don't know if it was ever there, it hasn't been there since I became aware of its use.

I've tried repeated downloads and never see the gmapsupp.img file.

All of the suggested (forum) resolutions (that I've found) have been in the 2010-2012 timeframe.

I tried to open an 'issue' with Garmin, but their support form errors as well... "There is a problem sending your email. Please try again later.". I've tried 'later' and 'later' and... I tried emailing them at support(@sign) - don't know if it will actually reach anyone or not.

Please tell me if the gmapsupp.img file is  still a player in all of this 62sc map stuff or should I be looking for some other file that replaced it

If the gmapsupp.img file is still used, is there some way to force it to be recreated?

Any help is appreciated!




Have you loaded a routable map to your 62sc?


The world basemap is pretty useless, and not routable.  BaseCamp will load IMG files to your 62sc with the name of "mapset".IMG.  Where "mapset" is the name of the map product you loaded.  Your 62sc will accept more than one IMG file as long as it's in the Garmin folder.

I doubt that Nevada Topo is routable. AFAIK, the only routable topos on this site are mine.  My Desert Southwest map contains all of NV up 40 degrees north lat.  The next edition of that will contain the whole state, and all of Utah, but I'm only gathering data for that now.

[email protected]

No, I haven't loaded any routable maps - I tested this, using a Vegas to Austin, TX trip last month - it worked fine then.

I don't know whether the gmapsupp.img file existed at that point or not, I didn't know enough to look for it.

This problem began with my installation of the Nevada Topo - possibly due to some error during the install - more likely as a result of something I did.

At any rate, I uninstalled Nevada Topo and installed your DSW Topo, I disabled BaseMap (in my 62sc),  enabled your DSW, transferred 6 waypoints, one route and 4 birdseyes to my 62sc.

When I started the 62sc, I encountered an "Invalid JNX File" at startup.

I removed the birdseyes from the device and restarted.

I could see the waypoints and the route - the waypoints worked fine - when I tried to open the route, the 62sc powered off.

I went back to BaseCamp and removed the route and recreated, with your DSW as the active map - I transferred it to my 62sc and tried again - same result - when I opened the route, the device powered off.

I deleted the route (in the 62sc, using 62sc Menus) and created a new route, using Route Planner in the 62sc - this route opens fine and works perfectly!

So, I am able to use routes created in Route Planner, but not routes created in BaseCamp.

Question: Is this the behavior you expected or should I be able to use routes created in BaseCamp?

Can you recommend a good routable 'driving' map?

Regardless, I can at least use this now - I really appreciate your help in this!

Also, I love your DSW Topo - it's really an excellent map - perfect for an eastern NV, western UT trip next month - thanks!

FYI: I will be offline for most of this next week - out of town and off the grid - but, will respond (if needed) when I return.

Thanks again!



The best routable driving map I can think of is the current edition of City Navigator NT.  It's not free, doesn't have trails, and has limited land ownership.  The second best routable driving map I can think of can be gotten from .  It's free, and has some trail data, but no topo and limited land ownership.

Don't know where you got the JNX file error.  JNX files are Birdseye files, mostly gotten from Garmin.  They are raster images that aren't routable, and can resemble satellite imagery or paper maps.

You can't use routes created anywhere unless you have a routable map on your GPSr.  Preferably the same one you created the routes from in BC.  I've never tried to transfer routes from BC to my GPSr, but I'll try and see what happens.

Tried it with indifferent results.  The route on my 62s looked different from BC the first time I ran it, and different from the first time the second time I ran it.

[email protected]

Thanks Seldom!

I'll just continue creating my routes from within my 62sc - I know that works and is easy to do.

Thanks for the information and the assistance - your DSW Topo has enough detail and clarity that it's perfect for my current needs - I don't currently have a need to recreate the BirdsEye JNX files.

Thanks again!



The only time I've seen that .jnx file error was when I loaded some test birdseye files before I actually had a subscription. You can do this to evaluate Birdseye and it will show a small section of the the image, but you get that error at startup.

Have you purchased a Birdseye subscription? If not, then that's probably what is happening. If you have purchased a subscription then something is probably wrong with the files (bad download). Just remove them from you GPS and the message should go away,

Regarding Garmin support, have you tried contacting them here?

[email protected]

Yes, I have a BirdsEye subscription and the birdseyes originally worked - I have since removed them and will regenerate them, as the need arises.

I am now in contact with garmin support.

