overlaying property ownership, BLM,State, national forest, private on topo map

Started by skookm, February 21, 2011, 10:31:09 PM

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is there a tutorial available to overlay property ownership, color coded as on the BLM paper maps , onto to topo maps I have downloaded from this site? want to know where I am when in the woods, either N.F.,state lands, blm, or private.
thank you,


My Surface Management Agency overlay mapset does that.  See:
Also see jbensmen's Western/Eastern Land Ownership maps.

This tutorial may help:


My Western land ownership does exactly what you asked about: transparent overlay color coded like the BLM maps.  What state are you wanting?  If its not already in Western Land Ownership, if you can give me a link where I can get the BLM's shapefiles for the state, I can (and will) add the state to Western Landownership. It took many hours to get it set up to match the colors, but now I can add a state in about 15 minutes.


I will look at your suggestions, I am in Oregon so would want ownership there, also Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho,... only had time to read replies, will be back tonight (PST). thanks for your help so far...


jbensnen i sent what i thought was the address for the shapefiles for montana, in a private message from here, your wyo ownership is exactly what I was looking for! going to go to blm here in oregon to see if someone knows how/where to download shapefiles here, will let you know.


after downloading the N.E. usa part 3 to my garminmap 60csx i thought i had a topomap and shaded in regions for my state of state and national forest, but after going to the national forest HQ i realized that there are private properties in these state and national forests that you could wander onto quite easily. are you guys saying that this overlay map would show those private properties on the map i already have? ??? thanks in advance, shaun


Some maps show purchase boundaries which as you mention includes public and private land (IMHO, it is better to have no data than purchase boundaries).  Eastern Land Ownership (and Western Land Ownership) shows actual ownership. 

What state are you in?  If Eastern Land Ownership does not cover it, I can look into adding it.  As I mentioned above, it is pretty easy to add a state once I find the data.  In the West, BLM has landownership files.  In the East, state GIS sites are normally my source.  However, the Forest Service always has actual ownership files. 


Hi I'm new here, from Ohio. I noticed the Eastern Public Land Ownership Map does not include Ohio. Could the CARL (Conservation And Recreation Lands, MI, OH, IN, IL, WI)  data be included or made into its own map? I downloaded the data and it contains a shp and a dbf among other files. Thanks.


Wow that is some really nice data.  NY is next on the list.  I've got some conflicting data to deal with.  After that I will add OH.  Also looks like there is a bunch of stuff I can add to my IL map.  Give me a few days and I should be able to get it. 


Cool! I stumbled onto it when I was looking for data for Ohio. I opened the file up in GPSMapEdit but I have no idea what I am doing. Even though the CARL online map viewer (which is really slow for me) shows info Virginia, Maryland  and Delaware the file only has the data for MI, WI, IL, IN, OH.


I've got the map made.  I have not looked at it real close yet.  There was some significant inaccuracy in the IL data, but there was lots of stuff I added to my IL map.  AL is sending me some data for AL - as soon as I get it, I will make an AL map and upload a new version with NY, OH, and AL added. 


Just wanted to say thank you for the awesome job including the data for Ohio! ;D