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turn by turn navigation & gmapi/img

Started by GPSSPG, September 13, 2010, 07:24:03 PM

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Hi all,
I'm new to the topic and have a few questions I can't seem to figure out by browsing the web.

i) Are there any free, Garmin-compatible gps maps available that are capable of turn-by-turn navigation?

ii) All the .gmapi maps that I downloaded so far (on a Mac) work fine. However, those maps that I downloaded as .img files don't seem to open in any software (Mapsource, Basecamp) on a PC. The tutorial on this site (suggesting to use MapsetToolkit) also doesn't work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. If there are any other good instructions available that I missed, i'd be glad to hear about them.

Thanks in advance for any help!


There are routable OpenStreetMaps:

They do not support address search however, so they can only route between points on the map.

Not sure what kind of .img files you are using. Many of the maps here are not available in a Mac version. They have an installer which places the files in a folder and goes through the steps needed to insert them into the Windows program "Mapsource". You would transfer these maps to your GPS using the Mapsource program and would not use the .img files directly.

There may be other maps that are just distributed as a single .img file. These will not work on your computer, but should work on the GPS if you name the file gmapsupp.img and place it in the Garmin folder on your GPS.


You are mixing PC and MAC.  The .gmapi is specific for use with a MAC.  PC soffware (ie. MapSource, BaseCamp, MapSetToolKit) will not be able to read it.  If you want to use PC software, you would need to download the PC (.exe) version of a mapset.  Many/most are self installing so there is no need to use MapSetToolKit.

What do you mean by 'turn-by-turn'?  If you are wanting voice directions, you also need a GPSr model which supports voice.

It would help us help you if you were specific about which mapsets you downloaded as .img files.