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Messages - -Oz-

I just posted a new version of the Arizona Topo installer that should not have this problem. You won't even have to modify the location of the map.
Note: There is a new map install file. You definitely want to re-compile with the new version. Updated version here.
Alright so I wiped a computer and spent some time experimenting. It turns out Windows 10 changed how the NSIS installer works to it "doubled" the registry and loaded it into the wrong spot. This meant that it wouldn't work. The weird catch was if you had previously installed one prior to the upgrade for some reason it installed correctly. Additionally, it doesn't appear to matter what directory it is installed in so for now i left Program Files (x86); if anyone has an issue let me know.

Either way I fixed the map install nsi file. Updated version here. Rather than trying to experiment and find the right place in the registry it is now coded in correctly.

Thus far I've updated the Arizona Topo install but I'll begin chugging through all my maps in the coming days to get the right version.
Map Making Support / Re: map_install_x64-x86.nsi
March 15, 2016, 07:40:47 PM
Alright so I wiped a computer and spent some time experimenting. It turns out Windows 10 changed how the NSIS installer works to it "doubled" the registry and loaded it into the wrong spot. This meant that it wouldn't work. The weird catch was if you had previously installed one prior to the upgrade for some reason it installed correctly. Additionally, it doesn't appear to matter what directory it is installed in so for now i left Program Files (x86); if anyone has an issue let me know.

Either way I fixed the map install nsi file. Updated version here. Rather than trying to experiment and find the right place in the registry it is now coded in correctly.

Thus far I've updated the Arizona Topo install but I'll begin chugging through all my maps in the coming days to get the right version.
I believe the Name is case sensitive (but I'm not sure). Use NAME next time. However, for now change the script from NAME to Name and it should work.

From the word doc Windsor Pond should actually have a label in basecamp if you zoom in enough. The 0x07 type does not though.
How big is one of your .mp files if you zip it? I'd like to take a look at the file. My guess at this point is that in QGIS the column name was not NAME and thus it didn't convert any of the labels from the .shp file over to the .mp file.

Quick way to test is open the  Lines_0000.0001.shp file. Now open the attribute table and see if the column with the labels is called NAME or something else? If it is something else that is the issue. Thankfully you can fix this with a three modifications in ConvertSplit2mp.bat:

if "!filename:~0,4!" == "Line" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_file% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
if "!filename:~0,5!" == "Point" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
if "!filename:~0,7!" == "Polygon" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!

Change the NAME to whatever your column is called in the shapefile.
Create a new text file and copy and paste all the content into it. Save that then rename it as a .nsi file and try to compile. It sounds like an encoding error. I'd attach a new one but I can't do it from this device so that won't be until Monday.
Just try deleting line 1 completely and see if it compiles
I'll test this when I get home and adjust the instances template
Map Making Support / Re: map_install_x64-x86.nsi
March 11, 2016, 08:41:45 PM
Boyd. I'd there a way around that? I like to keep my data of the ssd which requiring it go in program data won't work.
What does line 1 say. It seems like the nsi file was opened in something like Microsoft word rather than notepad and it added formatting.

The map URL should be where it'll be posted (like here) the email and copyright should be you.
Map Making Support / Re: map_install_x64-x86.nsi
March 10, 2016, 07:10:19 PM
Can you try the Arizona topo. I tried a different version with that installer. And try firemann59's idea above. Thus far I cannot recreate the problem you all are experiencing.
Do they show on base camp at all (map products) regardless of being on the GPS. Also, can you try to install mapsource and see if that makes them appear. This far I haven't been able to simulate this issue with Windows 10 and the newest base camp.

Some people had luck putting the maps in c:\garmin. There are issues with that with ssd but...
The idx files are created depending on which version of cgpsmapper you have. There created for the higher versions that allow searching.

Now for the coordinates issue, it sounds like a bad data point somewhere in that file. If you have gpsmapedit try to open the MP file and see if it throws an error. Also, you can open the MP files in a text editor such as notepad++ and just look to see if summering stands out.
The prefix is definitely the issue. Are all those files in a folder such as Split\Lines or?

if "!filename:~0,4!" == "Line" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_file% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
if "!filename:~0,5!" == "Point" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
if "!filename:~0,7!" == "Polygon" (
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!

This section of the bat looks for Line or Point or Polygon and since it didn't see those it messed up.

Since you don't have those prefixes the best option I can think of off the top of my head is to do modify the bat file to look into each folder and run a conversion.
For lines use this (modify if your lines are in a different folder):
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM --------------EDIT VARIABLES BELOW--------------

REM folder with all the split .shp files
set splitlinefolder="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo\Split\Lines"
set splitpointfolder="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo\Split\Points"
set splitpolygonfolder="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo\Split\Polygons"
REM folder containing GPSFDshp2mp.exe
set gpsfdshp2mpfolder="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo"
REM main dictionary file
set dictionary_file="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo\"
REM blank dictionary file
set dictionary_blank="C:\Users\Dennis\Desktop\DH_Personal\maps\Vermont_Topo\"
REM Name of map
set mapname="Vermont Topo"
REM initial map ID; must be 8 digits, don't start with a 0 (zero)
set /A initialmapid=11111100

REM --------------DO NOT EDIT FROM HERE DOWN--------------
set /A count=1
cd %splitlinefolder%
for /r %%f in (*.shp) do (
REM get just the filename
set filename=%%~nf
REM make map name unique for each file
set "finalmapname="!mapname:"=! !count!""
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_file% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
set /A initialmapid+=1
set /A count+=1
cd %splitpointfolder%
for /r %%f in (*.shp) do (
REM get just the filename
set filename=%%~nf
REM make map name unique for each file
set "finalmapname="!mapname:"=! !count!""
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
set /A initialmapid+=1
set /A count+=1
cd %splitpolygonfolder%
for /r %%f in (*.shp) do (
REM get just the filename
set filename=%%~nf
REM make map name unique for each file
set "finalmapname="!mapname:"=! !count!""
%gpsfdshp2mpfolder%\gpsfdshp2mp.exe %%f "MP_TYPE" "NAME" n %dictionary_blank% !initialmapid! !finalmapname!
set /A initialmapid+=1
set /A count+=1

This should go through each of the three folders and convert the .shp files to .mp.

You'll have to make a tweak to the CombineSplitMps.bat as well. I'm not sure how to do that yet. Do the lines, polygons, and points folder each have a file with the same name? I might be able to use that to do the combining.