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Messages - jbensman

My Trails has all the campsites and portages (I used the same data source).  What Boyd was talking about is with My Trails I allow (and give directions) on how to extract tracks and POIs from My Trail and then import them as tracks and waypoints into BaseCamp.  So what he asks about can be accomplished with My Trails instead of the Boundary Water map. 

I found a program once that let you combine maps on a card and then you could plug the card in a reader and basecamp would show both maps at once, but only one typ file works.  I 
Is it one of the states it covers?  You have to zoom in to see it.  It is an overlay designed for the GPS.  In BaseCamp all you see is the ownership.  On the GPS, it displays transparently on top of the other map. 
General Discussion / 100K Downloads for My Trails
July 07, 2014, 10:10:27 AM
I am just amazed that there have now been over 100,000 downloads of My Trails.  Thanks to all those that have contributed over the years.  When I started My Trail I never dreamed it would be downloaded this many times.  When I first started sharing the maps in 2006, it was just the St Louis area and I would distribute it on CDs with complicated directions.  In the early days I would also meet for lunch with geocachers and they would bring their laptop for me to install the maps for them.  Things have sure changed.  And this site has been a major part of it. 
My Trails will show on top of the NY map on the GPS, so you will see both maps at the same time.
I've been thinking about doing this for a while and decided I will in the near future.  While right now it would violate My Trails copyright, there is a way to extract the data and import it into BaseCamp (and GoogleEarth) as tracks and waypoints.  That way you would be able to view tracks and waypoints from My Trails on top of other maps in BaseCamp.

Another reason I am going to do this is to deal with the desire by some for autorouting.  To make the maps routeable is a royal pain and a routable trail map is not as nice as following a track.  So with the tracks in BaseCamp, you will be able to go to gpsvisulize and get 24K elevation data added to the track and then load the track on your GPS to follow.  That works much better than following a routable trail on a map. 

Its pretty simple to do and can be done with freeware.  If anyone wants to beta test the directions for me, send me a personal message with your email address. 

I plan to modify the copyright on the next version of My Trails to allow this and provide the directions on how to do it.   
Using The Maps/Garmin Software / Re: Mytrails
May 24, 2014, 06:44:03 PM
Do you have the most recent version?  If not try it.  Usually when I mess something up, several people let me know and no one else has indicated any problems.  If it was just one state, I would suspect I have the transparency set for that state.  So I don't think that is the problem.  Sounds like there may be a conflict with My Trails and one of the other maps you have installed.  If My Trails and one of the other maps you have are using the same name for one of the img files, this can happen.  Try going through and disabling you other maps one mapset at a time and see if the problem disappears.  I suspect when you disable one of the other map sets, it will work right. 
Using The Maps/Garmin Software / Re: Mytrails
May 24, 2014, 07:23:00 AM
need more specifics.  On your GPS or Basecamp?  What state?
I agree its a royal pain.  Please complain to Garmin!  If enough people complain, maybe they will fix Basecamp.
Site Support / Re: Cutting and Pasting
May 21, 2014, 08:54:02 PM
This appears to have created another problem, the paypal donate buttons disappear and it will not let you paste the code back in.  I've tried switching to source and then pasting the code.  How do I get my donate button back?  Thanks.
Site Support / Re: Cutting and Pasting
April 04, 2014, 05:10:43 PM
Try it now.  I downloaded it yesterday and it worked for me.  But I just recompiled both installers and uploaded them.  So if you can let me know if that fixed it.  That is the error message you get when it needs to be recompiled in mapsettoolkit.  I thought I did that before uploading the last version, but maybe I forgot.  Hopefully that is what the problem is.

I got a new computer and went from Vista to Win 8.1 and uploaded a new version with really no changes since last version to make sure everything was working on the new computer.  Everything seemed to work, except I cannot edit the description on the website.  I posted on the site support website, but have not got any help and it still is not working.  So I am in need of help with the website. 
Site Support / Cutting and Pasting
March 25, 2014, 04:52:57 PM
Got a new computer and went from Vista to Win 8.1 so I was trying to make sure all my tools still worked and I could upload maps.  Got a new My Trails uploaded no problems.  The problem I am having is cutting and pasting into the description for My Trails.  I try to paste and it asks me for permission to allow access to the clipboard and I say OK.  But nothing will paste.

This is interesting, I just tried to paste it here and it worked:

March 25, 2014: Minor edits, new computer-making sure everything works right.

What am I doing wrong?  Thanks
My Trails has that data
Site Support / Re: I cannot upload
July 19, 2013, 06:36:17 PM
I uninstalled Java and reinstalled it.  Now it works with no warnings.  Very strange.
Site Support / Re: I cannot upload
July 18, 2013, 10:36:40 PM
Thanks that makes sense.  Any ideal how I get the message to warn me again so I can accept the risk?  I don't get the message anymore (just the first time when I checked the wrong button).