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Messages - astainback

GPSr Units / Re: Garmin GPSMap60Csx SD card question
August 18, 2009, 12:31:43 PM
On mixing maps..

If I had street info for NC, and topo for WV, all loaded as one img file.. so when I got to WV, I could use the topo part for riding ATVs, and the street part for driving in the truck.

So for NC area, load Ibycus streets.
For WV area, load topo.

Is that possible?

Also, I am just trying to learn how to overlay the county/state info over the street map and/or the topo maps.


GPSr Units / Re: Garmin GPSMap60Csx SD card question
August 14, 2009, 12:16:50 PM
One more..
I downloaded the state/county map that is transparent.
How do I add that to the topo or the street map?
I see the instructions on how to load a map, but how I load the transparent over the other map?

GPSr Units / Re: Garmin GPSMap60Csx SD card question
August 14, 2009, 12:07:26 PM
The map loaded fine.  So I guess maybe I didn't need to.  Or maybe I need to pull it and format it again anyway..

One question about the NC topo map.  The map is awesome.  The fact that it has the streets and roads on it is good too!!  The names of the streets and roads are really long though, because they have the address block numbers too.  Is there a way to shorten this?

Another quick one.. is it possible to mix the topo map with the street map?  Part topo, part street? 
GPSr Units / Garmin GPSMap60Csx SD card question
August 14, 2009, 11:54:01 AM
Do I have to format the card before putting it in the GPS?
I bought a 2GB card.
The unit came with a 256MB card.
I took the 256 out today and put the 2GB in.
I am transferring some maps now through the USB cable straight to the device.
Next time, I am going to transfer maps straight to the card.
Just trying them out.
Map Making Support / Re: Making Maps with tracks.
August 11, 2009, 07:26:09 AM
Somebody was nice enough to send me tracks of some trails that I want to try out.
The problem is, I wanted to view them in Google Earth, but it won't let me.
The file he sent is not compatible with Google Earth, but is for MapSource.  I opened them in MapSource and saved them as the gps transfer type ( if I am remembering correctly ) and saved them.
When trying to open with Google Earth, MapSource crashes??  Why does MapSource crash when google earth is where I am trying to open the file?  I don't have the file open in MapSource?
Is this the best way to do what i am trying to do?

Map Making Support / Re: Making Maps with tracks.
August 07, 2009, 08:39:33 AM
Thanks for the response!!
I am hoping that it arrives today.
I already have some waypoints that I made on google earth that I am going to put in the garmin when it gets here to see how accurate my points on google earth are.
I already think I am going to need to get a second gps for the car. 
I see this as being a fun hobby!!
I also want to try geocaching.
Map Making Support / Making Maps with tracks.
August 06, 2009, 02:22:02 PM
I am new to using GPS units and maps.. and mapping...

When I create a track on the GPS (60Csx, it's on the way) and pull it up on the PC, am I going to be able to send that track to other people?  Will I be able to create a new map with the track data?

Let's say I go on an ATV trip.  I find a new trail.  Then another, and another.
Pretty soon, I have filled up the 60 CSx with these new trails.  Or tracks.
When I get home, will I be able to create a map with that data?
If I made some trails around my house, and wanted to send a friend a transparent map of the tracks to add to his GPS, is that possible with the tracks I make?

I hope this isn't a dumb question.