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Messages - yogazoo

Yeah, setting the MS version to "0" allows BaseCamp to read the map files from the GPS. The process takes a while since Garmin has never really gotten the USB transfer protocols right.

You're right, it does limit the user to some degree. Thanks to you and a map user who was having trouble waiting for the map files to transfer into BaseCamp via the GPS, I've decided to offer installers (with the "wow6432node" removed from the registry values) so users don't have to go through the pain of connecting the device to their computers. I'll provide a strong disclaimer not to use the installed version to transfer maps to the device. I want those who use my maps to have as pleasant experience as possible given the circumstances Garmin forces developers to deal with. I don't spend weeks and weeks updating and tweaking my maps each year just to have users frustrated with their functionality.

Best regards
I just updated/uploaded the 2019 version of my Montana topo maps as a (zipped) compiled .img file with the MS version set to "0" in the header. This way the user can get the maps loaded onto their device/card AND view them in BaseCamp. I put a text instruction file in the zip folder.

What's wrong with this approach? Why would anyone feel the desire to use clunky BaseCamp to transfer the maps to their device? I just market it as a "better" way to download and install maps (drag-n-drop map files), cutting out the broken, tedious software middleman. Dragging and dropping a map file onto an SD card is easier for luddites than installing through BaseCamp anyway.


I use gmaptool mostly out of habit, but also to change the MS version in the header to "0" so folks can view their pre-compiled maps in BaseCamp (when GPS is connected to computer). I also like to change the Map Set and Map Name in gmaptool to the same thing. Some units read from these differently and have had occasions where the map name on the GPS was an abbreviated list of the 8 digit numbers from my map tiles (Map Set) despite changing the Map Name.

I've reported the mapInstall/BaseCamp issue through the SW Engineer pipeline but haven't heard back. I've always been told that Garmin does try and accommodate 3rd party mapping so unless there's been a sea change, I suspect this issue will get fixed. It's the sea change I worry about.

Like you, I have always offered pre-compiled maps on my website. I've been steering customers toward that option and am contemplating temporarily disabling the installer versions until Garmin gets this fixed. Most people have taken it out on me and my products until I explain the situation to them. Just as soon avoid the issue entirely.

Thanks for hosting the older version on this site.   
BaseCamp Version 4.7.0 breaks the ability to load maps to your GPS unit. I couldn't identify the MapInstall version. I've received several emails from folks this week who can't transfer the maps I've posted to GPSfileDepot.

I personally use MapSource to transfer and GmapTool to properly name the maps but I'm afraid that's beyond what many users of my maps have the patience for.

I've also had reports that even pre-compiled maps (changed version header to MS=0 for viewing in BaseCamp) will not show up in the map selection dropdown menu in BaseCamp.

I'm a little worried that this isn't an "issue" in Garmin's eyes. In a week or two, if this doesn't get fixed in BaseCamp I plan to pull the installer versions of my maps and only offer the pre-compiled versions for download until we figure out what's going on. I keep getting emails and now have a form response written up to I don't have to spend 15 minutes typing it out 10 times a day.
Anyone know how can I edit the preview map in MapSource after installing a mapset with Mapsettoolkit? I always check "Blank Overview Maps" but then the map blanks out in MapSource when I zoom out.

Is there a way to edit any of the .img files MapSettoolkit creates in the output folder as a preview map? I noticed that NorthWest Trails always has road and stream data in the preview map in MapSource/BaseCamp but it's there only for reference (you only download the trails to your GPS).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just spent the entire weekend working on updates for the MT Topo public lands and was trying to figure out the above question before publishing. I get alot of emails saying "I can't view your maps in MapSource" and the fix is always "Zoom in or increase the detail level." I'm trying to avoid that in the future. Thank you for any help!

  Thanks for the detail on "labels". Wish I would have known about them four years ago. Could be handy for things like boundaries that are all "named" the same but you don't really want to see "Hunting District Boundary" text all over the screen. I'll play with the TYP editor and do some experimenting to make sure I got the particulars. Thanks again.
Quote from: Boyd on January 31, 2013, 05:00:20 AM
I don't understand how information from a disabled mapset can show on the GPS, unless maybe it has the same FID as another map and is being grouped with it?

Take Garmin's 24K series for example. Whether you have it enabled or not you can still view the Township, Range, and Section information when you select any object on any other mapset (like when you select something that has a name longer than can fit on the banner across the top of the map screen. You select that banner and it takes you to a white screen where you can read the full name, elevation, TRS if you have Garmin 24K). These hidden polygon types can be used in some innovative ways if someone, probably myself at some point, can experiment a little. I'm thinking about taking a DEM, converting it to a shapefile with elevations from the raster, and making an "elevation map" where users wouldn't need to purchase a garmin topo product to view the elevation since it would always be viewable in the information screen regardless of whether or not the map is enabled. One could do counties, land ownership, land cover type (from GAP analysis) and many other useful datasets. Time to experiment I guess. I was just hoping someone here would have already.
Quote from: yogazoo on January 30, 2013, 07:08:57 PM
0x11308 - Township/Range
0x11309 - Section
0x10a07 - National Wildlife Refuge
0x10a03 - ?
0x11307 - Quad Name

One more thing about these polygon types. The information shows up on the info screen (the white screen with elev data etc. when you select a feature your pointer is on) WHETHER THE MAPSET IS ENABLED OR NOT. Hmm. Seems like a way to potentially provide elevation data continuously. regardless of which mapset is enabled.

So invisible text is text used to label a polygon that won't show up when "Land Cover" names are enabled on your GPS only when you mouse over??

I'm not clear of the difference between invisible text and labels. You said that all polygons using "labels" will show the same text but when I add landowners I simply choose an attribute field in the shapefile I'm importing and all the same type of poly's are labeled differently. I'm confused!
Thank you all for your input. I probably wasn't clear enough with my question. What I was after was to know is how the following Garmin polygon types work:

0x11308 - Township/Range
0x11309 - Section
0x10a07 - National Wildlife Refuge
0x10a03 - ?
0x11307 - Quad Name

The above polygon types aren't defined in the GPSMapEdit program but if you create a map with these types included they will be transparent, but when you check on another object these will list "special" info below the object name. On official Garmin 24K maps these polygon types will generate info where the Township Range, and Section info is. There are also things like county name and quad name associated with the above polygon types.

I'll do some experimenting but I'd like to add one of these polygon types to my topo maps for Montana. That way the county name won't add to the list of things when you pointer over something and you could read the info on the information screen for any feature.
Has anyone figured out the Garmin feature type codes for hidden information? How they work?

What I mean is that if you own a Garmin 24K product you can pointer over anywhere and view the Map Quad Name and Township Range and Section info when you click on the button of the feature your pointing over. I'm sure it's just a "hidden" feature type code. Has anyone figured these out and know what the rules of engagement are?

It is possible to "pry" into a mapset to get polygons to wedge themselves between the vector line data and the background. See my black background for the Oregon with City Nav. Since Garmin didn't want to give Oregon 4xx and 5xx users a night mode I created a black background and slipped it into the City Nav map under the road data. It's all a matter of map draw orders and coinciding levels. I explain a little bit on the download page here:

I've also pried polygons into Garmin's topo 24K maps to provide detailed land ownership underneath the topo, road, and stream info.
Thanks Boyd. Very helpful. I'll tinker around with the registry values and try to come up with something that works on XP machines.

That said, I don't think that sharing "Map.img" files would be that big of deal. As long as nothing in the .img file contained proprietary data. 
Hello Mapmakers,

I'm experiencing an issue making installer files for maps since I switched to a Windows 7 machine. The registry file that Mapsettoolkit makes for Windows 7 seems to be incompatible with XP. When I compile the installer in Windows 7 it doesn't install correctly on XP. The gipper is that when I compiled on my XP machine my maps installed perfectly on Windows 7 machines. Anyone experience this and come up with an easy solution? I bought the personal version of cGPSmapper and it's licensed to my machine only or else I'd use someones XP machine.

It's getting to the point, with Basecamp reading map files right from your GPS, that installers might become unnecessary in the near future. Boy would it be much easier to simply upload an ".img" file!!! :)
Map Making Support / Re: USA Building Footprints Map
August 07, 2011, 08:23:34 AM
Quote from: Seldom on August 06, 2011, 11:30:48 AM
Here in Utah our cadastral maps identify parcels by Parcel ID numbers.  It takes another trip, to the courthouse or its website to find who holds the deed.
Does Arc10 saveas MP?

These days you can find anyone online in a matter of seconds anyway, adding an extra layer between parcel and owner name in the cadastral layer is frivolous. But if it makes Utah feel better. There are many more pluses than minuses in attributing the data with an owner name.

The minuses being conspiracy theorists who fear the black helicopters will think that somehow the cadastral layer will give them away. :D  

Quote from: Seldom on August 06, 2011, 11:30:48 AM
Does Arc10 saveas MP?

No but GPSmapEdit and just about every other program can convert shapefiles data to mp format. And yes your right, naming all of the lines of the roads would be challenging but there are so many powerful tools in ArcGIS you could generate attributes in relation to other road layers and leave the ones not caught in that process as unnamed road (usually dirt road anyway). I'm not saying this road generation technique would be condusive to the average user but some company (NavTeq) somewhere will eventually produce high detail road and trail layers based on the algorythm