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Topics - Bud Kerr

General Discussion / turn by turn plus
July 02, 2012, 07:52:57 AM
 Is there a way to get turn by turn directions to a cache. My garmin 62s points a direct line to a cache site but I would like driving directions up to a trailhead or other area near the site.  I currently use the Garmin Nuvi to navigate streets close to the site.
I downloaded the Alpine Loop Trails, CO Map.  When I open this map in Basecamp all I get is acreen with what appears to be tracks and waypoints.  There is no reference to anything.  I an assuming it is a transparent map that overlays some other map.  Am I right?  If so how do I get it to overlay in Basecamp?  I'm way out of my league here.
I loaded Colorado the gridline map on my 62s.  The grids are not showing.  I have a map called "Worldwide DEM" and the "SW Colorado" maps on my 62s.  If I disable Worldwide Dem all I see is my tracks.  No roads etc.  If I turn off SW Colorado- same thing.  Can someone figure out what I've screwed up?  By  the way the Colorado grid map looks fine in MapSource.