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Topics - Stormstaff

General Discussion / Mapping an area?
December 28, 2010, 08:23:40 AM
I guess I'll start here. Please forgive me if I should have this in one of the subforums.

I'm new to this so please bare with me. I have an Oregon 450 that I'd like to use to make some maps of a couple of our local Boy Scout campgrounds.

Campsites, water, shelters, latrines, etc.

Where do I start? What extra programs/software is needed?

Thanks in advance!
My mother-inlaw bought me City Navigator North America NT for Christmas. The version she got me is #010-11546-00 but Garmin's site shows #010-11546-50. I called Garmin and the person I spoke with wasn't sure of the difference.

Anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance!
I loaded the Illinois topo on my Oregon 450 using Mapsource. When I go into the map setup, it's listed twice. One works and shows everything and one doesn't seem to show anything.

How do I fix this? How do I delete the "broken" one off my unit?

Update : I tried to load My Trails and now both Illinois topos are gone.  :'(   I have to be doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice,
I post on too many forums.     :(

I had someone post a link on one of the different forums that I visit with a link to the hiking trails for the Smokey Mtns that was rdy for download and able to go right into my Oregon 450 but I didn't have the unit yet so I didn't download it yet.

Anyone know where I can find such a map?

Thanks in advance,
General Discussion / Smokey Mountains hiking?
July 07, 2010, 12:21:19 PM
I'm looking at getting a Garmin Oregon 450 soon plus we're taking a vacation that'll take us to the Pigeon Forge, Tenn area for a few days.

My son and myself want to go hiking so that we can say we hiked there, hehe.

My question is this. Does anyone have a topo/trail map of this area? I'm new to this, so please forgive me if I sound like an idiot.

Thanks in advance,
GPSr Units / Upgrading from a 60Csx?
April 08, 2010, 02:50:50 AM
General GPS using (hunting, hiking, etc) and geocaching.

Would you folks suggest the Oregon 300 or the Oregon 450?

It may see some limited car time also.

Thanks in advance!!
GPSr Units / Upgrade fron Garmin 60CSx?
November 21, 2009, 02:57:59 AM
So, what would be the next step if I wanted to upgrade from my current unit?

I use it for driving, geocaching, hunting and I'd like to start getting more hiking in. Not backpacking, just day hiking.

Thanks for your time!
Using The Maps/Garmin Software / So, I downloaded........
November 21, 2009, 02:32:13 AM
Ibycus USA.

Sorry for the noobish questions.

Now all I need to do is run the exe file and it'll change/update my maps and then I just need to reload the new maps onto my memory card?
General Discussion / Printable topos?
November 20, 2009, 09:05:53 AM
I searched but it came up empty.

I haven't loaded any maps off this site yet but I was curious. Along with using my gps, I want to learn map & compass skills. Are the topos from this site printable?

Sorry if this is a noob question.

Thanks for your time and help! Great site!!
Maybe I'm a little paranoid but why are the topo maps .exe files? I just figured it'd be some type of different file. I get scared with .exe's, hehe.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone.

Thanks for your time!