I have been playing with this for quite awhile this afternoon and I followed the advice and turned on one map at a time. AZ & the NM topo map seems to come to life at the .5 elevation on the GPS. It is showing the elevations and elevation lines. Names are showing up also. Green seems to be the color of the maps for the forest but the rest of the non forest areas are a tan color. Onx works on its own and it comes to life at .5 also with everything that it should be showing.
Im guessing that switching modes to classic from recreational did the trick along with one map at a time. The other map that I had on and turned off was Worldwide DEM Basemap. Not sure what this does but it's off and it all seems to work. If it's missing something still I have no idea.
Thanks for the help!!! Made a donation to the site in appreciation of the help and files.
Im guessing that switching modes to classic from recreational did the trick along with one map at a time. The other map that I had on and turned off was Worldwide DEM Basemap. Not sure what this does but it's off and it all seems to work. If it's missing something still I have no idea.
Thanks for the help!!! Made a donation to the site in appreciation of the help and files.