Quote from: Mike B on April 03, 2017, 08:56:16 AM
Thanks for the offer Bob, much appreciated.
I was able to get the WVATV 2016 file to display this morning.
It seems the app was looking for maps in the wrong folder. I had to change the Maps settings in the app to look in the folder oruxmaps/mapfiles/....
After doing that I hit "switch map". Checked offline maps, and the folder was still empty.
Hit refresh a few times.
Still empty.
Re-started the phone.
Now I have 2 maps in the offline folder. World and WVATV 2016.
Odd thing is, when I view the folder thru file manager, there a few maps in there. Orux is only showing me 2.
Now that its working somewhat, I will try to figure out what I can. If I get stumped I will reach out. Thanks again!
I am having the same problem. If you get a solution please post on here. I have sent emails to Orux and asked for help. I will post a solution if I get one. I am about to give up and just go with Back Country Nav. I got the maps to come up in Back Country.