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Messages - Salt1972


Thanks for your reply.  I'm not sure what format the original file by BobT is in.  It's zipped as it downloads via PC or Mac and then opens in gmapi (Mac) or .gdb (PC).  I'm not sure where to turn for assistance, but I'd really like to use those maps for an upcoming trip.  Again, thanks for your time and help.


I am reasonably technical, but have little experience with GPS routes and transferring them between devices.  I have an iPad with the MotionX app.  I'd like to install the trail maps from Taylor Park that I found on GPS File Depot.  I am able to download and bring up the file on both my Mac and my PC in Garmin Basecamp.  What I can't seem to figure out is how to get the file to MotionX (which wants a .gpx file).

Neither the Mac nor the PC version produce a .gpx.  What are my options?

Thanks in advance,

After a few hours of frustration trying to get the Taylor Park Trails downloaded from GPS File Depot and then installed for view in Basecamp, I am at another challenge point...

MotionX is looking for a .GPX file format, but my files (Mac) are in GMAPI format.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

I just started this process tonight and spent some frustrating hours...   Once the map was installed in the map manager, I found that I had to close Basecamp and reopen it before the maps would appear in the "Map" menu.  Once I close/ reopened, I clicked on "Maps" at the top of the page and found that all installed were available in the menu to select.  Hope that helps.