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Messages - Burrito

Using The Maps/Garmin Software / Re: All Topo maps
February 16, 2017, 03:00:35 PM
I was hoping I could just copy the maps I have onto a Micro sd card and have that in the GPS as additional map set. I can see now I am way out of my league here.
I did get this link from All Topo support. ?????  I guess I am not allowed that? Go figure. I will concentrate real hard and you can read my mind  ;)

I have not sat down to try it yet. I did not want to create hundreds if not thousands of little maps, to have a wyo map set.  Thanks for the Info. I may have to face the reality that I will have to put out hundreds of more dollars for exactly the same maps I already have in another format.  :P
Using The Maps/Garmin Software / All Topo maps
February 08, 2017, 01:15:33 PM
I would like to find a way to load my All topo Wyo map set into my New Garmin Oregon 600T
It has 3 map sets 24K, 100K, and 250K I like the idea of having all three. Has anyone had any experience with this software?