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Messages - goglen

We'll see how we like it - it should be here tomorrow :)  I'm sure my wife will want to give it a test run this weekend...
Wow - thanks for the quick and thorough responses.

I think that not speaking streets & no landscape is a deal breaker for me :(  Since the NUVI is primarily used while towing a camper through strange areas, much of my attention is focused on the camper (wider & longer than my SUV) - so listening to the street names and which way is important, as is a bigger screen so when I glance at it, I can easily see it all.

Plus, the almost 6YO likes being able to gleam info from it, such as when she sees the endpoint "flag" in the distance in the 3D view :)

I had forgotten that the 60CSx is not true "paperless" (my wife does often need the hints).

Since I am thus keeping my NUVI, I think I'm going to go for the Delorme PN40 as it is now paperless - and seems to have much better value (included topo maps, data credit and data library, use up to 32GB SD cards).  It has been getting very good comments on many forums.

Plus, I think orange is a cool color for a GPS - it will be easier to find when dropped!
>>>> I have read TONS on GPSr's in the past 2 weeks - much of it here, or on Amazon, Google hits, product sites like Garmin, Delorme, Magellan (but not TomTom?) and countless forums <<<<

* Have Garmin NUVI 750 (previously 250, 650) - it is only ever used for "road trips", usually towing our camper, thus staying within 500 miles of Sacramento, California.
* NUVI is never used "around town" - so no need for red light camera POIs, etc
* Usually towing camper, so must stay on GOOD roads, good directions/maps, etc.
* Wife has started to get into geocaching.  6YO daughter loves the "treasure hunting" - she prints pages from for our destination campground areas.
* Nuvi 750 (honestly) sucks for geocaching.  Not that accurate.  Many settings to change it to off road, heads-up, type in coordinates, etc -- and it still says "please DRIVE to highlighted route" - and no easy compass to zero in on the final area.  Oh, no WAAS, so it is so inaccurate
* Wife is easily frustrated by technology - so I'm willing to subscribe to Premium on Geocaching rather than have her learn/use GSAK to load caches...

Sunday, May 9, 2010 is both Mother's Day... and my wife's birthday.  She dislikes my NUVI for geocaching, so I want to get a present that will let her geocache.  I am also on a TIGHT budget (decreased employment) - but want to do what is BEST.

1) Keep NUVI 750, get Delorme PN40 or Garmin GPS 60csx
--> if Garmin, are GPSFileDepot topo maps good enough for geocaching once you get "about there"?
2) Sell NUVI 750 to my parents (**) and buy just  a Garmin Oregon 4xx to replace both.  In which case, can I buy North America turn-by-turn street maps (does it speak street names on the Oregon?) and use the GPSFileDepot topos?
>>>> Can the Oregon be used in "landscape" mode & 3D for street driving?  This is what I've been using for years with my NUVI, and towing a camper, I'm SOOO used to it.  I don't know if I could adapt to a small & portrait street view...
>>>> Can the Oregon set a "via point" - assume we're driving 200 miles to a campground, and get hungry - can I search for fast food and add it to my route as a via point?

Choice #1:
Delorme seems to have so much "for the money".  However, I can use GPSFileDepot topo maps on the Garmin 60 CSx.  Assuming I do not care about road navigation - which is better???

Choice #2:
My parents will graciously buy my NUVI 750 for $250 (overpriced, but them contributing to my wife's present).  I then buy the Oregon 450 and add the GPSFilesDepot CA topo maps, and buy then North American street maps - but I need it to "speak street names" and really want it to have a landscape 3D driving orientation since I've used that for SO MANY years...

(**) I gave my NUVI 650 to my elderly parents a couple years ago when I bought my 750 for a gift since they drive NON-STOP TX to PA, or to CO. or to CA, etc - this way they can find food & gas.  Plus, my dad does occasional oil-rig contract jobs in Senegal or Mauritania (Africa) in the desert - so plotting distance/direction back to a GPS coordinate (or "home") is valuable.  It was stolen from his luggage last year, so he's wanting another one - and likes the "breadcrumb" trail option that my 750 has.

I'm open to comments, options, suggestions, etc!
Many thanks...