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Messages - Indiangrass

Thanks. Then this seriously lessens the usefulness of the trail maps.  Nice when you're out-n-about but, no planning, no saving with field-marked attributes, no printing to share ...

Anyone know of another Herculean effort to add all the hiking trails in the world? LOL But seriously folks, this sounded too awesome to be true ...and so it is.
I've downloaded My Trails maps by jbensman and assumed I could use it as an overlay of the topo maps that where factory loaded onto my Montana and are in BaseCamp.  But I haven't even gotten to the handheld yet... just noticed in BaseCamp that I can only use one map or the other.  Not very useful this way so I assume I'm missing something. I've tried "shift" and "ctrl", "fn", "alt" but I cannot load up two maps sets at once. Can someone explain?  Is there a set of YouTube tutorials?