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Topics - FormulaJay

GPSr Units / Map Combinations and the 60Csx
March 07, 2011, 01:51:33 PM
I apologize if this question has been answered before.

I am looking at purchasing a GPS unit for handheld use and use on my motorcycle. The 60Csx appears to have all the features that I need while also having proved itself as a reliable, accurate, durable device.

What I am trying to find out is if the 60Csx will allow me to load multiple maps into one map file. I know that the 60Csx can only read one map file on a card, but would I be able to load that map file with the road navigation data along with topographic data?

I plan to use the device most heavily for navigation while touring on my motorcycle which involves a lot of camping. I would need the device to be able to display the road data but also the topography at the same time. I know that I am limited, with the 60Csx, to 2025 map segments, but is it safe to assume that, using the road and topo(~24k) files on gpsfiledepot, that I would be able to fit at least 5 states on a card?

I have downloaded the manual for the 60Csx from Garmin's website and on page 45 it does seem to confirm that you can turn the display of maps on and off but the small image shows only one map. I also tried to download MapSource but I must have it already installed, and since I do not have the unit yet I can not try it.

Once again, sorry if this is a redundant question. I appreciate your help. Thanks.