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Topics - alester

Site Support / Unable to upload map
May 14, 2014, 12:52:58 PM
I've produced a topo map for my province that I'd like to upload here, but I can't get it to upload. I created the map listing and can get to the upload screen just fine. I can even select the file and it appears to upload until it gets to 100%, but that's it. I never get any "upload successful"-type message (it's unclear if I should or not), and the file is never available to be downloaded, even if I leave the upload page open overnight to make sure it's completed. The file is 878 MB. The upload page says it can accept files up to 2 GB, but maybe the size is the problem? I've tried uploading using both Firefox and Chrome with exactly the same results in each. Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or is there something wrong with the site?