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Topics - fx4dugan

GPSr Units / Garmin 450
May 05, 2010, 02:20:33 PM
New to gps and I am looking at the garmin 450, does any one know what software comes on it for maps and how good it is for roads?   I plan to buy the Inland Lakes software, and use it in my boat but wondering are the the base maps are good enough to get you around secondary roads around the lakes and rivers.  Also would I be better getting the 450t.  Are the Secodary roads better on on the topo version of the oregan 450.  I want to use this as an all around handheld, in boat, biking and in truck.  And the geocahing sounds fun too.  What are your guys toughts. 

By the way this is great site.  Already been very helpful.