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Messages - danasu

Ingrid solved my problem. I did cut and paste from H drive to F drive and then when I opened gps there it was. tried it in field and it worked. thanks ingrid. great board here. I am again whole. dave
I beg me. I have new garmin 62 s and  my raster maps are on micro sd card 2 gb
when I connect GPS to computer I have the blue garmin triangle shown as in F drive. I open, get custommaps and it is BLANK. I go to H drive and there is custommaps and when I open all my raster maps are there.
When I open GPS, go map setup, there are no custommap folders shown. my chip is  properly installed. when I go with chip to my SD adaptor, I can read all raster maps. why cant GPS find my raster maps. why is GPS shown on one drive and SD chip on another. I implore someone to help me. thanks, dave
this doesn't work..I get newest installed map of area  sshowing up. Can I put my 1890 map on the gps hard drive and that way I can toggle bewteen micro chip and hard drive file. I tried to create "custommap2" file but it didn't work. with magellan one can toggle beween  any saved raster map. garmin lumps them good. again, many thanks. newbie dave
I have garmin 62s and have raster map for  year 2010 for a Harriman state park.
I  have created this as a KMZ file with google earth and have it in  my custommap folder.
I also have a map with trails and roads from 1890 and want to save it to my gps. It also is in a KMZ file. If I put it in custommmaps, since they are in same location as 2010 map I fear that it will overwrite  2010 map. Is there any way I can save two different maps for same park, and toggle beetween them? many thanks, dave s