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General Category => Map Making Support => Topic started by: dkocis on September 29, 2008, 06:50:32 AM

Title: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on September 29, 2008, 06:50:32 AM
I am very impressed with the work done here on this forum. I am new to GPS units, just purchased a Colorado 400t and have a dilemna. I am leaving in a couple days for a hunt in Wyoming. I wanted to use the Colorado to easily see if I am on BLM or Federal land versus private land. The topo loaded does not do that and I am afraid I don't have time to try and create what I need. Can anyone point me to a mapset that I can easily (quickly) download and use for this trip ? Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on September 29, 2008, 11:44:35 AM
If you have the data in shapefiles or can point me to where that data is I can quickly throw something very rough together for you.

If you got it post it here and I'll see it after work.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on September 29, 2008, 04:42:58 PM
I tried to post the file but it was to large,
I downlaoded the shape file from the following site; it is under the introduction as Land Ownership.

I will try and add the attachment again under a separate post.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on September 29, 2008, 04:43:32 PM
here is another attempt to load the SHP file
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on September 29, 2008, 07:54:11 PM
i downloaded the file; after these queries finish for idaho i'll check into how quickly I can crank it out.  I can make a simple/slightly confusing one in under an hour but you'd have to know that certain areas represented different ownership but i think the best thing would be for me to make a custom typ file (which i've never done) with different colors for different land ownership types.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on September 30, 2008, 02:10:48 AM
for my needs beggars can't be choosers, but to post for others certainly the latter is best.
Seriously, I appreciate anything you can do. Too bad somebody didn't have this already. I contacted the University of Wyoming GIS group and they didn't have anything either.

The Quads I am most interested in are Reno Junction,Newcastle,Bill, Lance Creek, Douglas and Lusk if that makes it easier for you.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on October 01, 2008, 07:52:57 AM
so, i was looking at the shapefiles and am not sure a quick way to figure out who actually owns the land.  there doesn't appear to just be a code or anything.

I will though try looking at it again and seeing if its linked to other tables.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 01, 2008, 10:02:46 AM
I had no idea how diffucult this could be and have had no luck finding anyone else that has tackled this before. I am leaving Friday morning so if you don't think you'll have much success before then I will have to work around it with manual maps.

Thanks for stepping up to the task as you did, that really speaks well for what kind of person you are.

Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 01, 2008, 10:05:03 AM
I wanted to add that your site help me get mapsource set up and pointed me in the right direction (no Pun Here) for free maps and many other resources. This is a wealth of information.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on October 01, 2008, 09:50:56 PM
Thanks for the compliment.

I have a present for you too.  I created a map that uses different color hashes (XXX in most case \\\\ in one or two) to represent land uses.  This means not only can you tell the land use by color and hovering over it but when loaded to your GPS you should be able to see roads and such underneath making it easy to still navigate with it.  I haven't loaded it onto my GPS though so I didn't test that.  Please let me know tomorrow if it works/doesn't and I can fix it for you before you leave for your hunting trip.

Without further ado the installer is available: Windows ( | Mac (

Hopefully tomorrow I can write up the official description/key for it but for now its all yours :)
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 02, 2008, 09:51:40 AM
i looked at the file and it is a very creative way to display the data, Using hash marks for this purpose is a perfect solution. I can tell easily based upon the location what type of land use it is and it is transparent enough to allow the other details to come through. Great work. I am sure it will be useful to others as well. Impressive turnaround time as well !!!
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 02, 2008, 09:53:29 AM
One issue I noted is when I installed the entire map set to my device it would not boot up unless I removed the SD card. did not have time to evaluate why at this point.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on October 02, 2008, 10:41:33 AM
so in other words you couldn't use your gps with that map loaded?

When I go home for lunch in about an hour and a half i'll load it and a topo underneat real fast and see whats up.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: pgIdaho on October 02, 2008, 01:23:26 PM
Hi guys,

I have been watching your discussion on this map.  The data set look like it could be very useful on a number of levels.  I saw that there may be a problem so I took a look at the map and loaded it to my GPSr.  It seems to be working fine for me. I am running a Vista HCx with the latest updates. Mapsource is updated to 6.13.7  I started loading your new land use map and the Topos from Indy's WY set.  Both loaded and run perfect. I loaded them using a card reader. When I booted the GPSr up it had a loading bar for a couple seconds but loaded fine. Here are a couple screen shots. (  ( (

OZ, one suggestion for a future update, you may try a larger/ more open grid. With the Land Usage map on over a topo set it looks a bit jumbled.  Turning on the Land Usage Set to check your location and back off is not a big deal though. 

Really great job though.  If you can find this kind of data for other states it would be a great addition to your future releases.

Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 02, 2008, 04:30:27 PM
I appreciate all the effort here, I think my issue may be too many layers or too much data on the card. It works for now and I'll sort the rest out later.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on October 02, 2008, 06:53:45 PM
the limit on the gps unit is 2025 segments.  I tested it and it works just like it did for Paul.

I also agree the grids need to be a lot bigger.  Way too hard to read.  I may adjust that today before I "release" it.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: -Oz- on October 02, 2008, 07:32:21 PM
Alright, I updated the map setup files with a larger grid:
( and

same links:
Windows ( | Mac (

AND: I posted a key on its official page: Wyoming Landusage/Ownership Map (  Pass the map along.

I also noticed while making the key that a few of the colors are a little close together.
Title: Re: Wyoming land status (Need help quickly)
Post by: dkocis on October 13, 2008, 07:27:09 AM
I used the map all last week and found it very useful and accurate. There were many situations were we needed to know precisly what kind on land we were on and what we were shooting over. Your map was a great asset, Thank you. I could see many uses for this type of map in other states as well, I am surprised that it doesn't exist already.