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Last post by bphillip2 - May 28, 2024, 08:23:11 AM
Hello. I'm trying to view your mti_ak onto my echomap unit. I can see it, but only at certain zoom levels, like 5mile-30mile. It varies depenging on the gps units detail setting. At highest detail you lose the view at 50 mile range.
The issue is it has no usable detail, like you see in basecamp. Also garmin unit says the map cannot be authenticated and will be diabled in 90 days.
The vessel is a hovercraft and travels in areas up the river near AMBLER AK where regular charts show nothing. Your chart, at least in basecamp shows the area pretty well, see image. I've also attached pics of the highest detail I can get of your chart on the gps(nothing really). ThanksYou cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.   
GPSr Units / Re: Indian Motorcycles GPS - M...
Last post by waderatke - May 07, 2024, 12:13:33 AM
Quote from: Vegastar on January 01, 2023, 12:26:42 PMHi Everyone,

Hopefully I post this in the right section, I have done a few searches on the Forum without any luck.

I ride an Indian Chief Dark Horse 2022 which basically comes with a 4 inch round TFT display that integrates a GPS unit, maps, navigation and POI's or at least is supposed to because I live in Bahrain and Indian (owned by Polaris) does not release maps for Bahrain (or Saudi Arabia for that matter), their concept of the Middle East is limited to Israel and United Arab Emirates.

Long story short, the GPS interface looks an awful lot like a Google Maps interface (see picture)

You cannot view this attachment.

and the map update that is proposed by Indian/Polaris on their website for the Middle East (again, limited to Israel and UAE) is an 8+ GB .mapdata file, an extension for which I find very little information on the web. geometry dash

I'd like to understand what this ".mapdata" is, how it's actually generated and what I could do to obtain one for the countries I'm actually interested in (Bahrain & Saudi Arabia). The fact that the GPS unit seems to run a version of Google Maps should definitely make that easier but my knowledge is failing me.

I can post the ".mapdata" file somewhere in case it's of use to anyone, it seems like a proprietary extension to Indian/Polaris however I have a hard time believing that the content of the package is anything proprietary.

Thanks for any help you can bring,


While I am unable to access forum areas directly, I can offer some insights on the.mapdata file and possible solutions:

Understanding the MapData File:

Likely Proprietary: The.mapdata file extension is likely exclusive to Indian/Polaris and may contain a proprietary format for map data.
Map Data Components: It is likely to include street network information, sites of interest (POIs), and other geographical data relevant to the supported regions (Israel and the UAE in this example).
Limited External Information: Because of the private nature of the.mapdata structure, it may be difficult to find specific information online.
General Discussion / BCN AND BOB T MAP ON TABLET
Last post by Mike F - May 02, 2024, 09:41:24 AM
New to the forum here and needing some help.  I have BCN Pro and i followed Bob T instruction for loading his maps into BCN data file on Samsung tablet. I am not getting the trails on the map.  I get 19 waypoints and 10 tracks which are all highways.  Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this or am I missing something?  thanks
Map Making Support / Re: Mapped roads look correct ...
Last post by Boyd - April 10, 2024, 09:08:13 AM
Sorry, it's been awhile since I used mapsettookit and cgpsmapper. And you really haven't given us much info for troubleshooting.

You don't really say, were these same maps working correctly on your GPS before you revised them? If so, are your still using the same GPS or have you gotten a new one?

How did you "open them on the GPS"? Did you use MapInstall to send them to the GPS from Basecamp?

Did you save a copy of the old (working) map files from the GPS? Do those still work correctly today?

The fact that you got a new computer raises a question... did you move the old maps from your old computer? If so, in most cases simply copying the files isn't good enough because the Windows registry is invovled (I assume you're using Windows). This free program can properly move your old maps to a new computer.

That same program can also check your installed maps and flag any potential errors. It can even fix problems in some cases, so it might be worth a try. This program can also be helpful with map files on the GPS itself

Unfortunately, the author had a stroke some years ago and had to stop updating his software.

Just a few thoughts, since nobody else seems to be responding.
Map Making Support / Mapped roads look correct in b...
Last post by idiggplants - April 09, 2024, 08:53:34 AM
So forever ago I started making my own trail map for our ATV trails around our property and other's.  Decent finised product.  ATV trails were blue, logging roads were slightly wider, pipelines were purple.  All was good.

I recently got a new computer and had to reload the maps using GPSMapEditto revise a few new trails, cgpsmapper, and mapsettoolkit to load them into basecamp.

I had a typ file that I believe is what directed what lines should show up as what.

When I open basecamp, everything looks great.  Trails are blue, the right thickness, etc etc.

When I open them on the gps, everything is incorrect.  They are just big yellow blob roads.

The fact that they are correct in basecamp tells me that my typ file is still good and doing what it is supposed to.

But why then does it not show correctly on the handheld?
General Discussion / Re: GPSMAP 67 - map install
Last post by Boyd - April 04, 2024, 03:30:58 AM
Sounds like it actually works about the same as other devices and the issue was your memory card. Surprised that Garmin was so helpful, but it's great that they were.

Thanks for following up!
General Discussion / Re: GPSMAP 67 - map install
Last post by Spartan301 - April 02, 2024, 04:31:46 PM
Well, I have a report on getting "arizona topo" onto the unit, garmin support via chat was actually very good. The rep actually went to the site and downloaded and installed the map onto his unit.  I got it to work on mine (on the unit itself) by installing through basecamp.  here are the steps.

  • Power device on and make sure its on the MAP screen showing your current location
  • Press the MENU button once and select MAP LAYERS
  • Make sure the TOPOACTIVE is DISABLED
  • After that back out to the map screen again
  • Press the MENU button twice to get into the main menu
  • Select SETUP
  • Select MAP
  • Select MANAGE MAPS
  • Make sure the ARIZONA TOPO is ENABLED
  • Now you can use the QUIT button to get back to the map and should be ready to go.

It doesn't seem to see it on my sd card, but i just ordered a 16gb card per jolly47roger's advice and i'm also going to test partitioning my 32gb card to make it slightly smaller.  I'll follow up when that is done.

Thank you to all who tried to help.
General Discussion / Re: GPSMAP 67 - map install
Last post by jolly47roger - March 25, 2024, 07:45:36 AM
Have you tried a smaller (<=32GB) card?
General Discussion / Re: GPSMAP 67 - map install
Last post by Boyd - March 24, 2024, 03:10:25 AM
Garmin is pushing a subscription to something called "Maps Plus" for this device. They claim it includes scans of the classic USGS topo maps (and lots of other stuff).

You might want to ask at that other site I linked to above. Unfortunately, things are pretty dead around here anymore (except for the endless spammers I ban every day  ;D  )

Not sure if you will get any help from Garmin, in the past they have just blown off any questions about third party maps. But do let us know if you find an answer.