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General Category => Using The Maps/Garmin Software => Topic started by: TomD on February 05, 2010, 12:10:16 AM

Title: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 05, 2010, 12:10:16 AM
I am a total newbie with my first GPSr-a Garmin 76CSx.  I have downloaded MapSource, have a spare 2G Microcard, a reader and have downloaded the California Topo map to my computer.

How do I figure out what sections I want? For example, I want to put the Palm Springs area on my card to use in my GPSr, but can't figure out which of the blocks on the map cover that area.  Is there some kind of index or is it just hunt and peck? With USGS maps, they have names, but I haven't seen anything like that for this one.

Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: Seldom on February 05, 2010, 06:31:07 AM
I don't have that map, but couldn't he just "Find" Palm Springs?  If I include POI, it works on everything I make for myself.  But I have to say, that's a nice link you provided.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: maps4gps on February 05, 2010, 07:13:33 AM
Get fairly close by using the blue Interstate highway lines.  Zoom in some, no need to have all of CA displayed when you know Palm Springs is east of Los Angeles.  Move the selection tool around until a large rectangle becomes pink; these are 100k quads with the planimetric data. Click on one - the quad name will appear in the large box to the left.  If it is not the area you want, click on it a second time to unselect.  The tall rectangles are for the contour line data and are numbered.
Zoom in more and more detail will appear in the display.  Drag the selection tool to get more than one quad/tile selected - they can also be removed in the selection box.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 05, 2010, 10:23:12 AM
Thanks, I will give those suggestions a try. Thanks also for the link-that is a really useful site. I'm going to have to spend some time checking it out for thoroughly.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 05, 2010, 05:06:28 PM
I managed to isolate the Palm Springs map and put it into MapSource.  Is there a way to turn off the pink selection box and just see the map itself on my PC?

Also, I loaded the map onto a chip for my 76CSx.  Is there a way to see the map on it or do I have to be out in the area the map covers before it will show up? I'm obviously unclear how that works. I have it set in the Map Set Up but don't know what to do after that.

Also, is there a good book that explains how to do a lot of the basic stuff? I have the owner's manual, but it is pretty worthless at answering simple questions.

Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: Seldom on February 05, 2010, 05:37:54 PM
First, have you checked this out yet?

You should be able to turn off the pink stuff by selecting the area again with the map select tool.  It's a toggle.

I've got a 60, not a 76, but I understand the interfaces are identical.

You should be able to pan your view using the rocker control to get to Palm Springs.  Once you get there, you should be able to use the "in" or "out" buttons to control your zoom.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 05, 2010, 07:31:25 PM
Thanks again everyone. I moderate on two backpacking forums and know how it can be constantly answering newbie questions, so all your help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 11, 2010, 09:05:35 PM
I take it that if I make a route on the PC, there is a way to transfer it to the GPS?

Different topic-Is Basecamp better to use than MapSource for topos? I downloaded it from the Garmin website, but the Installer won't install the program. All it does is install a folder.  My PC is having various problems, so I'm thinking this is a symptom of something going haywire.  I had the same problem with MapSource, but eventually got that to load up. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: Seldom on February 12, 2010, 02:51:42 AM
Check for a registry cleaner and run it. It helped my XP machine a lot.
Title: Re: Using California Topo
Post by: TomD on February 12, 2010, 11:44:17 AM
Thanks, I will check that out.