newbie problem with map download into my computer

Started by teachndad, December 29, 2009, 07:15:55 AM

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I am thoroughly frustrated.

I bought myself a Garmin Legend HCx for Christmas to get into geocaching.  I am having a real hard time downloading a free california topo map into my computer so Map Source can access it.

I initially downloaded it off the GPSdepot website page and it placed it in a file called, MyDAP files.  My 12 year old son in his wisdom downloaded an accelerator program called DAP, so it placed it there.  During the download, it also placed in there the GMAPPSUP.img file which I think I need to open the file.  But, since it went into the DAP file, then it added on the suffix of .DAP.  So, it looks like this:  GMAPPSUP.img.DAP which windows doesn't recognize.

In the directions for downloading, it said to create a file called GARMIN.  I have done that.  All the MapSource files are there.  I copied the California Topo map install file over into the Garmin folder also. This doesn't seem to be renamed a DAP file. Mapsource doesn't recognize it.

Should I just uninstall and delete all the files and start over?  What can I do?  I am not very computer savy.  I never figured it would be this cumbersome to do this installation.  If worse comes to worse, I go back to just printing out the geocach descriptions and wasting paper.



edit: fixed link


After you download the CA topo.exe from here; you run the .exe file.  It will install the files on you conputer and do the necessary background work for MapSource to be able to see the files.
In MapSource you select the quads you wish to transfer to you GPSr.  See:


If you cannot identify things I would clean out that folder and start over. the file you download from here will execute and load the map files so they are visible in mapsource. (upper left corner icon) You then select the map tool and click with it on the various areas of the map you wish to load into yourGPSr.


The CA Topo mapset is somewhat different from the others here as it is composed of two 'superimposed' mapsets - one planimetric and one contour lines.  Use the selection tool and drag it across the area you are interested in to select both sets - as said in a post earlier this month "Numbered tiles contain the contour data, named tiles contain everything else.'



Thank you all for your responses.   I will start over.

Below are the top two steps of the directions where I am hung up  when installing the cal topo map.

My questions are in italics.

1. Download the GMAPSUPP.IMG file
Where do I download it to?

2. On your computer, open a file browser window and create a folder labeled Garmin.
Where do I set up the Garmin folder?





I first clicked on the "here" link in the Inroduction section on the original Cal Topo map page on this website. Then, I got the directions from a link on this page  Next,  I clicked on the blue hyperlink at the top marked "file download".  From there it took me to  The directions are visible when you scroll down.  The directions come from below the heading - Download the GMAPSUPP.IMG file.




Okay, yes, that helps a lot.

I have already installed the MapSource software on my PC. The GPS came with the cd.

One last question.  You stated:

For the CA TOPO, download the Windows MapSource installer here:

Do I click on Run or on Save when I download the the file above?



Don't forget to update your MapSource after you have installed it. It will most likely not be the most current version if it was installed from a CD.


I forgot to come back and say thanks.

I just wanted to thank everyone for your responses.

Thank you for all your efforts and time. :)
