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Zumo XT beginner

Started by DBM, November 22, 2024, 01:25:50 AM

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I really hate to admit this but....I have had a Zumo XT for almost a year now, but never took the time to learn how to use it. I just keep the map on so I can read the street names and see the upcoming curves in the road. All this time I have been riding trails and loops that I already know. All that is about to change in 2 weeks when I am leading a small group in 3 different WMA forests areas that are all new trails. I have printed paper maps for each section, and highlighted the planned routes on the maps.

My plan is to stop at the entrance at each forest, set a waypoint, then go exploring the planned route. I would like to record the track we are taking on the GPS so that we can just turn around and back track the same way we came in if we decide that is our best way out. Seeking advice for a total newbe. I do plan to really learn how to use this XT in the near future.


It's unfortunate, but I don't think you will get a lot of help here. Most of the people who come to gpsfiledepot these days are just spammers that I ban from the site. There's an occasional post by somebody who needs help with the maps here, but that's about it. Sites where people discuss GPS devices have mostly all gone away, killed by the smartphone. I was a moderator at GPSReview for many years, which would have been a good place for your question. Then one day the site was just gone, apparently, the company who owned the site simply "pulled the plug" wiithout even telling the staff.

Let's see if you get any answers. In the meantime, you might get more help at a site like this