Mapsource taking 12+ hours Building Map Set

Started by wasabi, September 03, 2009, 08:08:19 AM

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I am attempting to load ~4000 US TOPO 2008 segments onto my Oregon 300 using an 8GB microSD chip. I have used Mapsource v6.15.6 to select the desired segments (about 2/3 of the US which represents the max I have read can be sent to the unit due to # of segment limitations) and told it to send to the chip. It started running last night and 12 hours later is only ~70% done.

The PC is fairly modern with 1 GB of RAM. I don't think it is a PC deficiency. To confirm I also replicated the process this morning on my work PC ( which is brand new with tons of cpu and RAM and it is still running slow. I am using a standard 8 GB USB drive at work instead of my microSD chip inside the unit (cuz it is still at home running...).

I realize the Build Map Set process is PC dependent, the transfer to the unit/USB device occurs after the map set is built. So right now I'm lookign for any guidance to speed up the PC process othe than selecting fewer maps. I want one map since I have the space to store it, don't want to have to switch between maps. What is the dang deal with this thing running so slow?

I'm also curious where this file is being built on my PC. I wanted to check to confirm it was actually being built! I see no large file being produced anywhere related to this process, I searched the whole drive. Maybe it is being done all in memory? That could explain my growing process memory footprint and swap file space.

Indrid Cold

The Oregon can have multiple .img files with the latest software version. You might have better luck compiling several of them for your card.


thank you sir.  :)

I understand how I would create multiples, but how would I name them on the card? I thought it only accepted one file name. And then, do I simply enable/disable them via the map menu if I want them available for loading?

Indrid Cold

From what I understand, you can name them anything you want, just keep the .img extension. Your GPS will group them by their map FID.