Old User, New Glitch for 60csx. Shows only roads.

Started by issudras, September 05, 2012, 02:33:11 AM

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Thanks.  I just tried a different micro-sd card and loaded three tiles from the same Grand Canyon area from the SW Topo USA set.  I then changed all the settings you suggest with the exception of text which does not have an "auto" setting on my unit.  Still the same.  Basemap is there, I can pan across the country to the three tiles, and zoom in and see that they have uploaded.  Points of interest that would otherwise not be present are there, such as geographic feature "holy grail temple". 

I am out of ideas, but I need a functioning GPS too much to live w/o one for much longer.  Are the 62 series models just as good as the 60 in terms of antenna and reception?  That's what I liked the most about the 60 since it gets a reading even in the forest.


The 62 series uses the same chips as the Oregon, Dakota and Montana so any difference in performance would have to be related to the antenna. From what I've read, all of these devices perform about the same.

I would say it comes down to a question of whether you prefer buttons or a touchscreen. The Montana would give you a much bigger screen with a lot more pixels.